Education. This one word is valued significantly in our society. We believe that there is great power held in this idea of education, and we work our hardest to ensure that everybody is able to achieve the level of knowledge they wish and deserve. Starting from the beginning, we attend school at young ages. Many of us attend a public school system for 13 years of our life, and at each step of our journey in the halls of these schools we are thrown a variety of subjects to learn and care about. We are exposed to so many fields, so we can possibly find one we are passionate about and study further. It seems like this education system that we have had for numerous years has been a simple, “perfect” plan that leads right to the answers of life. Is this true?
In this blog, I’d like to research the public education system we have today. In more detail, I aim to understand how the system began and what the intended goals were for students to succeed. Repeatedly students are told to follow the general plan of high school to college to be successful. Is there more to education than success and jobs? Furthermore, I can evaluate the icons of our schools; the items we place great emphasis on. From standardized testing to selective STEM classes, I can study why these are so important. Many issues arise from funding issues and lack of support which is another growing issue within education that should be addressed.
Throughout the five posts, I will research these topics and evaluate the true progression of education in the United States.