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TASK #4 Concept Mapping

My concept map evolved, and changed as I created it. As I added my priorities in learning, information and connections between my informal learning sites, and information and connections to the course readings, a “pillar” began to develop in the center. The definition of “affinity space” (Lammers, Curwood, and Magnifico, (2012). Pg. 45), which I had copied down into my notes, gained a new light, and has many connections to what I have developed as a passion though my research and learning this semester. Also central to this theme is the concepts of community, visual arts and accessibility.

Carpenter’s description of Pat’s barbershop (Carpenter. (2003)) as a central community space, where people of all ages, sharing knowledge, and supporting each other, sounds almost impossible. Yet, it exists and developed over time. It is possible to create a space like this, and I would love to see the museum where I work become more welcoming and open, and for people to feel as welcome.

I also chose to highlight a quote from Wilson – “…creative behavior is not making something out of nothing, but that it is based on extensions and connections of conventional sources.” (Wilson, (2005) pg. 23). This reminds me to be a better art teacher. I am lucky, being in a community art space, rather than a school, that it is easier for me to embrace students who want to change or add something from their lives, even if it is pop culture or “lesser” art practices, but also give them other references though exposure to fine art both in the galleries, as well as online sources.

You will also see two red boxes in my concept map. I found that some of the connections I found between my informal learning sites were negative – like the limiting factor of paid admission, or being closed to the public. Fees limit accessibility, one of the nodes in my central pillar.

I was unable to upload images to my popplet, but there are links to website, including a Google Art Project tour of the Michener. You are able to view the space, including the Education Gallery. I also link to an audio tour created for young children by teen volunteers at the Museum. There is also a link to a video highlighting the work done at the Center for Creative Works, with both the director and artists.

My personal Pinterest page is also linked, and I would love to connect with other educators though my page – I know Eleanor is already following me!

Overall, I was not surprised at what emerged while creating my concept map, but it did reaffirm my desire to pursue the nodes in the central pillar in both my research and my teaching and approach to community creation through the arts.


Carpenter, B. S. (2003). Never a dull moment: Pat’s barbershop as educational environment, hypertext, and place. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, 21, 5-18.

Cox, A. (2018). Space and embodiment in online learning. Higher Education, 75, 1077-1090.

Lammers, J.,C., Curwood, J. S., & Magnifico, A. M. (2012). Toward an affinity space methodology: Considerations for literacy research. English Teaching, 11(2), 44n/a.

Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. Lexington, KY: CreateSpace?

Wilson, B. G. (2005). More Lessons from the Superheroes of J.C. Holz: The Visual Culture of Childhood and the Third Pedagogical Site. Art Education, 58(6), 18-24, 33-34.

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  1. eev5015

    I enjoy that the key concepts of your map actually connect centrally to the informal sites from your “pillar.” Compositionally, your map looks awesome and the color-coding is helpful- I didn’t see anyone else use Popplet. The quadrilateral lineage happening around your museum shows rich connections occurring- I know that you mentioned this as a possibility for your final project.

    • amt5187 amt5187

      Thank you Eleanor,
      Yes, I am planning on exploring a free space in my museum that is often a waiting space for families and school groups, and use my resources to create an interactive learning experience that also highlights some of our other free resources. Participants will be encouraged to record their creations with a give-away I am creating with the marketing and visitor services teams.

  2. Caroline

    Andrea, after looking at your concept map, I wish that I had used popplet instead. It just looks friendly and your thoughts are easy to follow and understand. Very well done!

    • amt5187 amt5187

      Thank you, Caroline. However, I can assure you that I found popplet very frustrating to work with, and had numerous issues with embedding and linking. It seems it is built using flash, which Chrome will no longer be supporting in 2020. I was jealous of our classmates that chose to use mindmeister.

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