The Final Passion Blog.
We have made it this far, I hope you all have enjoyed my little pop culture posts, I really used this passion blog to voice my opinion on stupid things that y’all probably don’t care about, so thanks for sticking around…even though you technically had to lol. In honor of my last post, here is a list of my personal favorite blog posts I’ve written, it’s not a very long list:
3. Donuts and America.
This was my very first blog post. It started out as a list, but then I kinda gave up and just wrote about Ariana Grande and that whole donut incident. I think the video of the little girl is so funny and it cracks me up every time I watch it. It also lowkey set the tone for my passion blog posts, they’re very casual because I genuinely just type whatever pops into my head, so y’all are basically just reading my thoughts.
2. Travis Swift and Taylor Kelce
This is my favorite couple ever. I’m sorry, actually, I don’t apologize. I am a huge Swiftie and I support this adorable couple. I hoped their relationship wouldn’t die out after I wrote that post, so I wouldn’t seem crazy, and It hasn’t! So hopefully y’all don’t think I’m crazy. Since I released that post, so many more cute moments of them have gone viral. My current favorite is when Miss Swift changed the lyric of her song Karma during her set of the Era’s Tour in Buenos Aires. The original lyric was “Karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me,” she changed it to, “Karma is the guy on the Chiefs, coming straight home to me,” Like I am in love with them, and I couldn’t be happier for my queen.
1. Cody Ko ‘Button’ Appreciation Post
Respectfully, I love, I love, I love, Cody Ko. He has been my favorite person to watch on YouTube since I was 13 years old, and my love for his content has not diminished. He and Noel are literally such a hilarious duo, although they don’t post as much together now, they still have a place in my heart. It started with the “That’s Cringe” series that I binge-watched at age 13 from like 11:00 pm to 4:00 in the morning. Yes, I have taken breaks from YouTube, as I started to shift into Sitcoms and shows that fit that genre, but every time I go onto YouTube, it is to watch a Cody Ko video. I hope my post hyped him up for y’all to give him a watch, if not that’s okay, not everyone has taste (I’m jk).
Thank you for reading my posts, even though its a grade 🙂