

I don’t know what I am passionate about. I mean I like numerous things like dancing, music, Taylor Swift. I don’t know what to choose from, If I had to be honest though two ideas are floating up in my head. I’m heavily into pop culture, I love all things pop culture. Celebrities, scandals, new music coming out, a new movie coming out, etc. I mean, if someone were to tell me “Hey what’s her face cheated on what’s his face” I would’ve already found out hours ago due to my secret sources. But, am I really passionate about it? Am I willing to write multiple blog posts about random stranger’s lives? I don’t know. Another possibility could be fashion. The thing is though, I don’t know an actual thing about fashion, but I know how to dress myself and other people and what would look good on other people based on their body type. If someone has a long torso and shorter legs and they want to appear like they have longer legs, I would recommend a high-waisted bootcut pair of jeans. Or if someone wants the opposite, to accentuate their long torso, I’d recommend low-rise wide-legged jeans and a top that hugs the torso tight and ends on the waist. But it’s not like I know every single little thing about fashion, I just like knowing what looks good and what doesn’t.

by posted under Passion | 4 Comments »    
4 Comments to


  1. August 31st, 2023 at 2:19 pm      Reply Henry Waldhausen Says:

    Finding a passion to write about was annoying for me too since we have to write like 10 blogs, but I don’t think you can go wrong with either of these picks. There is constantly going to be new pop culture news coming up and there has already been so much you could write about past events to get people up to date. With fashion I also do not know anything about it but I still think it would be interesting to see what other people think looks good and see, if you researched into it, what you found out.

  2. August 31st, 2023 at 2:36 pm      Reply Conner Nafziger Says:

    I think you have a good start with your ideas. Maybe this blog will be a great opportunity for you to expand your knowledge on one of the topics you listed. If you want to learn a little more about fashion, then you can focus on a designer and analyze their style through different designs. For pop culture, you could probably use a new story every week and give your thoughts on the event, or share how you think it will affect others. This blog is up to you, but I think starting with what you spend a lot of time on is a good place to look.

  3. August 31st, 2023 at 5:12 pm      Reply Barbara Price Says:

    I think both of your ideas sound really interesting! I personally find it really difficult to keep up on all the celebrity drama these days, so it would be awesome to have a source available to stay up-to-date on pop culture and gossip. However, I also think a fashion blog could be so cool! I still feel like I am trying to define my own personal style, so reading fashion tips would be very helpful. Both of these topics would be great for a passion blog.

  4. August 31st, 2023 at 5:13 pm      Reply Ally Wilson Says:

    It is totally okay that you do not know what exactly you want to write about for your passion blog topic. It sounds like you know a lot about pop culture and what is going on around us at all times, which could not be more different from me. Your blog posts would be so valuable to me as they would be a source for my pop culture information!

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