TED Talk: “How rest can make you better at your job.”


Trying to find a TED talk that interested me took a while until I stumbled upon the video by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. Pang goes into depth about why rest can make you better at your job, life, etc. He explains that even though we’re in a world where overworking and no breaks are rewarded, it is ultimately unsustainable and unhealthy. He goes further to discuss different types of rest, and how our definition of rest (watching TV on our laptops) isn’t going to make us productive. The video linked below will explain the types of hobbies and activities we can be doing to benefit us. I enjoyed this TED talk because it hooked me and kept me interested enough so I’d keep watching. I was all bout resting equalling better work production until it wasn’t the type of rest I thought it was, but as Pang went further into how we should pick up hobbies that exercise our brain, I realized he might be onto something. Watching him explain how in the modern day we work more hours than old military leaders did, and they were fighting in battle. They built their entire schedule on “downtime” and that interested me. How is it possible that we work more than ancient people when they were fighting for their lives? Overall, this TED talk was an interesting one to watch, it did not turn out to be the video I thought it would, but I’m glad I stuck around.


Brainstorm Ideas

Sex Education

  • Sex education is an important topic that I feel all teens should be aware of. In today’s world, sex is not as taboo as it was in the past. I think writing the evolution paper on this can highlight the evolution of sex education among schools.

Why libraries are so important

  • I think a TED talk on the importance of libraries would be a nice topic. Libraries carry so much history that no amount of technology can compensate.

I cant think of anything else. Thank you.

by posted under RCL | 4 Comments »    
4 Comments to

“TED Talk: “How rest can make you better at your job.””

  1. October 19th, 2023 at 1:26 pm      Reply Barbara Price Says:

    That TedTalk sounds very interesting and reassuring, as it is easy in college to feel guilty for taking time to rest because of the emphasis on “the grind” in our culture. I think both sex education and libraries could make very interesting topics and that there are plenty of resources available about both of them.

  2. October 19th, 2023 at 1:28 pm      Reply Henry Waldhausen Says:

    The idea of resting V.S. working had become a rather mainstream debate recently, and I think the TED talk did a great job dissecting it. As for your TED talk, sex education would definitely be an interesting one to see with everything happening in that topic. I know libraries do carry a lot of history but I do not know how much they have changed over the years so that one would probably be a trickier subject.

  3. October 19th, 2023 at 1:29 pm      Reply Ally Wilson Says:

    I watched that TED Talk as well and found it very interesting. It reminded me of how I just recently had a conversation with someone about how college is exhausting simply because it is hard for me to accept the idea of rest.

  4. October 19th, 2023 at 1:29 pm      Reply Morgan Phillips Says:

    Overworking in America is legit a symptom of capitalism I could go off about this but anyways yeah I should probably watch this and get some rest. It’s really interesting because in a lot of European countries, they define “living” as not having a job, like they work so that they can retire and have a life. Whereas in America work IS our lives. So ig it’s also a cultural thing too.

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