Intro to Essay/Speech Outline


The Always #LikeAGirl Super Bowl advertisement and the well-known Rosie the Riveter “We Can Do It!” poster are prominent examples of civic artifacts. Both civic artifacts relate to the SDG of gender quality and express this using everyday phrases in society, also known as Commonplaces. The Always’ company’s #LikeAGirl campaign uses a rhetorical situation to emphasize how this phrase in today’s day and age harms youth everywhere, not just young girls. The “We Can Do It!” poster was released in 1943 to encourage women to work in factories while the men who were employed there, were at war. This poster used ethos, pathos, and logos that persuaded women to join the workforce. Although both of these Commonplaces are different in the sense of audience, they both relate to gender equality and send a feminist message.


Speech Outline:

Open with an attention-grabbing line, “I run like a girl”.Then go on to explain what the Always campaign is.

Explain what happens in the advertisement, and how the phrase, #LikeAGirl, when incorporated with actions and had different reactions depending on who was asked.

Go into depth about how a rhetorical situation was used to demonstrate the Commonplace. Explain how this Commonplace has affected the minds of the youth. Explain that the phrase and this campaign connects to the SDG of gender equality.

Tie it up with how this advertisement has helped spread positivity on gender equality by using the Commonplace in a rhetorical situation.

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