Rhetorical Analysis Essay | Introduction

A dystopian world of screens and robots in space, doomed until two robots arrive to save the day; a story wrapped in shiny Pixar magic. However, there is a lot more to unpack in 2008’s WALL-E. The main message it pushes is the importance of relationships, and how they are affected by technological developments and human negligence. We see babies being educated through advertisements, adults completely immobile, and no real and meaningful human interaction away from their screen. In contrast to this, we see the robots exhibiting human characteristics instead, such as caring for a pet cockroach, doing things they care about, feeling lonely – a universal commonplace. And they are the ones that are eventually able to save what is left of humanity. These messages about how humans are captive to their screens are not new to us. Surprisingly, it has come to a point where it has almost turned into a commonplace in and of itself. The 2009 Hulu Superbowl Commercial starring Alec Baldwin touches on the same subject matter, speaking about how TV rots our brains, but using the commonplace for an entirely different purpose. Instead of averting people away from the concept, they use it to their advantage to persuade consumers to buy Hulu. Its reference to the Elite Reptilian conspiracy and its use of terministic screens work to flip the commonplace around to Hulu’s advantage, in contrast to WALL-E’s motive to avert humans from being glued to their screens. 

One thought on “Rhetorical Analysis Essay | Introduction

  1. Hey Ananya!
    I love this idea for your essay, but because I have never seen this Hulu commercial I was slightly confused towards the end of your introduction. I recommend possibly explaining more of what happened in the commercial in order to give the audience a deeper understanding of your topic. Overall, great job and I can’t wait to see what you do with your essay!

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