What I Learned from Your Ted Talks

Even before watching the Ted-Talks, I was blown away by the amazing topics that everyone chose. They are all so diverse, and touching upon so many important issues.

Lexi’s Ted-Talk, based on the way Covid-19 has changed education was so interesting and relevant. Living through a shift feels different to reading about one we weren’t entirely here for. I was surprised to learn about the statistics in her Ted Talk about how we are retaining only a small portion of what we are learning in online schooling. I could relate to her worries about doing challenging subjects online. I’m nervous about learning Psychology at an Honors level next semester because I’ve never studied it before. I loved her use of the Prezi platform because of how seamless and professional it looked.

I was really interested in Maddie’s Ted Talk since the elevator pitch. Her delivery was amazing from the get-go, especially since she made use of a lot of space and made it seem like she was speaking to an audience, which really captured my attention. I learnt a lot from her topic and recognized a lot of the changes she spoke of. I particularly like her line “inclusivity sells” where Maddie demonstrated the evident discontentment that the world is showing towards brands like Victoria’s Secret that once had “blockbuster sales” as Maddie mentions, but faced a steep decline recently as they faced backlash for their promotion of unrealistic beauty standards. Her Ted-Talk made me want to research the brands I buy from and make sure they are promoting inclusivity, for every body type, race and ability.

I will make sure to watch more of the Ted Talks when I finish writing my paradigm shift paper 🙂


2 thoughts on “What I Learned from Your Ted Talks

  1. Hi Ananya! I also watched Lexi’s Ted Talk and thought it was super interesting and a very relevant topic to today, especially with us as students. Personally, I feel as though I learn best when I am in a room with my teacher and peers. I also miss having a separation between school and home. Now, the line is blurred, making them on in the same. Despite it being frustrating, it is necessary so we can get rid of this virus once and for all.

  2. I watched both of these TedTalks too! I thought they were both so engaging and great topics. I too was shocked at the statistics Lexi laied out about learning loss. Never thought summer could be so bad for you. And I agree Maddie’s topic had interested me from the beginning.

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