Ideas for My Spring 2021 Blog and ‘This I Believe’ Podcast

Hello! This is my first post for the new semester, and I am excited about all the topics I am going to be writing about.

Passion Blog Ideas

So my blog last semester was sort of a mixture of opinions on music, TV and film. I didn’t focus on a specific medium, or genre. I will be sticking with the commentary, opinion style content for this semester as well but I will be honing in on a specific theme for all my posts. I am not an expert on any of these topics, and all the opinions were sort of borne of my personal preferences. I would like to write about something that I have at least a little experience in, just so I feel more comfortable in my opinions. If I don’t know a lot about a certain topic, I will do my best to do research on the things I write about. I have two ideas for this:

  • Writing about music.

Music itself is quite a big topic, but I will be focusing on writing commentary style posts on new releases (albums and singles), music I find interesting, and I might even share curated playlists that I make, posting twice a week if time permits me to do so. I will steer away from speaking about artists independent of their music, or drama that doesn’t pertain to their work. While I have zero professional knowledge of songwriting or music production, I have spent a lot of time learning about it, and have been professionally trained in some instruments, which I think gives me a little added credibility when I write my opinions. That being said, it is still a personal preference and personal opinion based blog.

  • Writing about poetry and writing poetry

I have been writing for a long time, since I was a kid, and it is something I greatly enjoy. Especially after taking a creative writing class last semester, my interest has only grown after reading so many people’s amazing work. Poetry in particular is something I love, I have been trying to improve my understanding of it. If I choose this as my passion blog, I will share some of my favorite poetry, and why I enjoy it, as well as posting some of my own (which I have never done before *scary*).


Civic Issues Blog Ideas

  • One of my ideas for my civic issues blog would be focusing on the category of sustainability. My second major is Earth Science and Policy with a concentration in climate change, so this is something that I am passionate about. I am very passionate about ocean and marine life conservation. I would write about different issues surrounding ocean conservation, and discuss what is being done in an effort to conserve the ocean and its creatures.
  • My second idea would be focusing on the education category. I am quite passionate about modern education being more mindful of mental health. I would discuss research on alternate education strategies and different ways mental health issues can manifest in students globally and how education can change to curb this issue.

This I Believe Podcast Ideas

I have some more thinking to do about these podcast ideas, but so far I have thought of these.

  • I believe it is important to embrace embarrassment.
  • I don’t think negativity is inherently bad. Forcing positivity is not always the best way I can get through something.


I’d love to know which ideas you liked and which ones you disliked!

5 thoughts on “Ideas for My Spring 2021 Blog and ‘This I Believe’ Podcast

  1. Your passion topic about music and exploring all of its depths would be soooo cool. Music is one of my favorite things, so I hope that if you do choose this, I’ll get to read about some of my favorite artists/genres! With regards to the Civic Issues Blog topic, I am also super interested in sustainability, so I think it would be super cool to write about this, maybe even including how people can be sustainable at home for cheap! My topic for this blog is very similar, so maybe we will overlap. I think the topic of “I believe to embrace embarrassment” is really interesting. Like most people, I absolutely hate being embarrased, so I am genuinely intrigued as to why we should embrace it.

  2. I love the ideas for your podcast. Two things that I can get strongly behind, especially embracing negativity. Sometimes we have to see the negative to realize the positive. Love you ideas for CI, I think animal life and marine life is fascinating but I don’t know very much on that front. Lastly, your passion blogs sound great, Poetry is a deep topic that is incredible if you’re passionate about it and music is, too. Looks great!

  3. Hey Ananya! I really like your passion blog ideas! Personally, my favorite is the one about music because I love music and love to learn more about it than just the lyrics! Music when you think about it is so fascinating and there is so many layers to it, I think you could find a lot to write about.

    As for your This I Believe topic, I am really liking the second about negativity. I have definitely been in a position where positivity has been forced at me when it is the last thing I can try to be at certain time so I am interested in your take on that!

    Lastly, I think Sustainability would be super cool to read about especially from you as a Earth Science and Policy major. I think it is an issue everyone needs to be more familiar with! Can’t wait to read more soon!

  4. I love both the music and poetry ideas for your passion blog – putting yourself out there with your poetry might actually fit with your podcast idea of embracing embarrassment…

    Excellent ideas for Civic Issues – I always love when you can bring in your major and academic interests. We will need to work on narrowing your topics when we get to Unit 6. 🙂

  5. I like the idea of writing about music for your passion blog. I love hearing about other people’s music taste and I think it will be interesting since you have a music background. For the Civic Issues Blog I think writing about sustainability would be really intriguing since I am trying to live a more sustainable life. I also think that since it is your major your excitement about the topic would make for a really great read. I think the embracing embarrassment would make a really comedic podcast if that is the route you choose to go. Sharing embarrassing stories about your childhood would also be a great way to establish a relationship with the audience. I am looking forward to reading your blogs this semester!

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