Advocacy Project Outline

I will be making a 1-3 minute video that is a mixture of hand-drawn animation and clips taken from various sources. I will voiceover sections where needed. However, I want to try to appeal to the audience primarily through visual aids, which is where my focus will be. I will present the issue in a concise and easy-to-understand way and then present action steps for what grade school teachers can do to promote gender inclusivity.

  • I’m still working on the action steps I will be presenting to the audience but so far they will include: Looking at Language: Are you using ‘boys and girls’ or ‘ladies and gentlemen’ to address a classroom? Saying “boys and girls” leaves out an entire community of people that are not part of the binary system. Do you often use language that reinforces gender stereotyping like “don’t be girly” or “you’re a strong boy, so you shouldn’t cry?” Evaluating one’s own gender bias is an important first step.                                                                                                                                      Speaking up when you See Something: During instruction, you may come across terminology or phrasing of information that is misogynistic. This may be in the material you are teaching, or you might hear someone in your class say something like “Don’t be such a girl”. Such phrases promote competition and damaging perceptions of different genders. Immediately calling out such behavior is important.
  • For the attention step, I wanted to use an example/pose a question to the audience. I would provide a hypothetical scenario and ask the audience what they would do in that situation. Or I would ask them if they have seen such a scenario before and what they thought of it.
  • My target audience is teachers in grade schools.
  • Gender inclusivity is unfortunately difficult to talk about in certain localities because it would be unsafe. Not all parents or communities agree with the modern idea of gender. There can be a lot of conflict between communities and schools that can arise and put children in an even more difficult position than before.  This can create an obstacle that prevents teachers from following the action steps. Additionally, many teachers, regardless of gender, have internalized misogyny, which can be hard to untangle. If a teacher is unwilling to untangle their own biases, then the action steps will not be effective.
  • To make it easy for the audience to take the action steps, I will frame them very simply, and try to make it so that the steps encourage step-by-step changes in behavior. I will also make sure that the context is very clear; this is to help the students that are going to grow up to represent the next generation, so what we teach them now is extremely important. As the target audience is teachers, this should hopefully appeal to pathos, and help them feel more encouraged to take the action steps.
  • There are many studies that have been done to assess gender disparities in classrooms, and what solutions would be effective in tackling them. I will include statistical information where I can to support my action steps.


One thought on “Advocacy Project Outline

  1. Wonderful!! Don’t worry too much about the time limit – use the time that you need to accomplish your goals!

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