Let’s Talk Trump

At this point in the presidential candidate race, many candidates are taking short breaks away from the campaign trail. Jeb Bush was one of these such candidates. He took a short week’s rest away from the cameras and reporters, now he has returned and plans to take some rigorous debate practice. So far Bush’s debate prep has revolved around policy briefing and other minor issues. This week, Bush plans to meet with two former Romney aides and to work on shortening his responses while packing them with more content.

From the sounds of it, Bush is taking this pretty seriously and isn’t messing around with debate prep. So, let’s examine how the other GOP candidates are preparing. Rand Paul is meeting with a Trump stand-in to practice battling the current GOP frontrunner. Scott Walker and Rick Perry both met with numerous policy officials to practice their debate skills as well. So how is the frontrunner of the GOP candidate race preparing for Thursday’s debate? Well, Trump tweeted Wednesday that he’s off to Scotland to stay in his Turnberry resort and to watch the Women’s British Open. When asked how he was preparing, Trump said “I am what I am” suggesting he’s not taking any specific strategy into the debate. Seems like he’s also not taking any part of this debate seriously either.

In my opinion, Trump seems to be taking this whole Presidential Nominee thing pretty nonchalantly. I mean it’s a pretty big deal that he is the frontrunner right now. With the remarks he has made regarding Hispanics and other immigrants, the media have literally been swarming after him. There’s no such thing as bad media I guess, right? Personally, I would be absolutely horrified if people are actually taking Trump seriously now and in the future. The real question is is whether or not he actually believes in what he’s saying. Trump made some pretty serious remarks regarding the Hispanic population. They were also some pretty seriously negative remarks. Now, couple those remarks and other previous things Trump has said regarding how he would run this country, and put it with how “seriously” he’s taking this debate. Is this the type of person we want to be a serious consideration for President? Like I said, I find it horrifying that people are taking him seriously, hopefully in the future we get a good look at who Trump really is and how he would actually run this country. Only time will tell.

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