Hey Everyone! Here’s a quick step by step tutorial on how to upload a world to VRChat. Since we’ve been exploring the viability of VRChat for our design purposes I will also be writing a sort of review/critique of VRChat through the lens of our department’s needs, so it’ll be kinda like a pros and cons list, and will include a few examples, but for now, if you’re curious on how to get it all up and running, then keep reading!
Step 1: Having the Right Software
Alright so the first step is to make sure you have Unity 2018.4.20 and VRChat SDK 3 both of which I have embedded links to their respective download pages.
Step 2: Creating the World
After completing the downloads open a new project in Unity 2018.4.20 and import the VRChat SDK. You may get a notice that you’re working in 2018 and that a new version is available. Ignore it, VRChat SDK and Udon only work in 2018.4.20.
Step 3: The Hard Part
Alright stay with me here, this is where things get tough. First, create a plane, for your character to stand on. Then, search for the VRCWorld prefab and drop it into your scene.
And that’s it! Your world is ready to be uploaded. Everything you add after this is unique to your project, but as long as you have a thing for your inhabitants to stand on, and theĀ VRCWorld prefab in there, you’re good to go. As for uploading…
Step 4: Getting Setup to Publish
Alright, so first step, you should have a new tab between Component and Window that reads VRChatSDK.
Click on that and open the Control Panel. It’ll ask you to sign in, and once you do, go to the Builder tab and have it set up the Layers and Collision Matrix for you. Once that’s done, as long as your project doesn’t have any compile errors, you can hit Build and Publish in the Builder tab.
Step 5: Configure Your World
Once you hit Build and Publish it’ll take the time to compile the scene, then open the Configure World menu. From there you can name your world, create the player cap, add the description and any tags you need, and set up a world image.
Once you verify the world info and hit Upload the world will be uploaded and ready for use on VRChat. Well, kinda. In my experience it takes about an hour after uploading to actually be able to have people in the same instance, before that time has passed VRChat kinda freaks out and tells you that you and your friends are in the same room, but you all can’t see each other.
Step 6: Updating Your World
Updating your world is just as easy as uploading the first time. Seriously just make your changes and then follow step 5 again. I’ve found you’ll still need to wait about an hour for the updates to go through, but once that happens your world will be good to go!
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