Well, here we are at the end of the year. I’m especially excited to show off the progress made in this post, since a lot of it will focus on the visual themes and assets being used in the project! While talking about code is fun and all, it’s nice to have clean and distinct visuals in my updates, so without further ado, let’s begin!
The Environment
So, after deciding upon the location of where these experiences will take place, I managed to obtain assets from the Unity Asset Store and have been using them as the basis for the scenes. I will also post links to their store page so you can pick them up if you like what you see!
The Playroom
With this project, I had originally thought I could stick everything in one environment and be done, but no single environment really fit everything I needed, so I opted for two and have further broken down the experiences into two location based categories: indoor and outdoor. The indoor experiences will be handled in the playroom:
In order to get a feeling of you being a kid in the space I also sized up everything considerably (everything’s 40% bigger than normal) and honestly that alone really sells the narrative that you are just a kid playing around in this space, and while this makes some objects seem outrageously big when viewed from afar (like the kid table and the chairs lol), when you view it in first person, the fact that everything is huge kinda mellows out the weirdness of specific objects.
The Playground
In addition to Playroom, I’ve also found and added a Playground for any larger experiences like the fly through. I may scale up the environment like I did the Playroom to give a better feel of the scale of the environment.
Now that I have a majority of my assets in the scene I’ll be busy recreating my experiences into this new environment, and once I complete this I’ll just need to do the same for the Desktop and then things will going smoothly!