I recently made a few environmental concepts for a type of classroom I’ve been calling The ShowroomTM, and I figured it’d be good to take some time to further dive into exactly what’s going on with this conception and the types of interactions that would be possible in these different iterations. (All measurements are in Unity’s default units, which are reported to be meters)
The Small Stage
Current Object Size: 5x5x5
Current Stage Size(radius): 10
Uses for this stage?
- Smaller classroom experiences
- Smaller objects ( real size cars, or enlarged objects)
- Simple goals/objectives
The Medium Stage
Current Object Size: 40x12x15
Current Stage Size(radius): 40
Uses for this stage?
- A larger class size
- Bigger objects (Dinosaurs, Ships, etc)
The Large Stage
Current Object Size: 384x192x18
Current Stage Size(radius): 212
Uses for this stage?
- A huge class size
- Buildings (like the St. Louis Arch, which the example is based on)
There may even be options for expanding this vertically instead of just horizontally. For example we could have like a whole rainforest and have it broken down by the different layers, with different activities in each layer. So like this:
And each layer is represented in the scene as a different level to be explored. And the professor could control the accessible layers and move the class as a whole or grant movement between layers to students individually so they could be on different layers if they wanted to do some interaction or activity on a specific layer to better reinforce what they’ve learned.
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