Passion Project Topic Ideas

Traveling has always been a big part of my life. I grew up with a father that always had to travel for work. I would always love tagging along with him, no matter where we were going it was always fun to experience new places. As I’ve gotten older my love of traveling has only grown larger. Every aspect of it is enjoyable to me, from the packing to the actual excitement of the destination. National Parks have always been the main reason my family travels. Which brings me to my next idea for a passion project idea, hiking. I have always loved hiking, or more so the outdoors in general. There’s been nothing more exciting than summiting a mountain that is more than 14,000 feet tall. It’s an addictive feeling. Hiking brings people and the trail has taught me so much about myself and about life. It seems kind of silly that just walking on a trail with beautiful views can teach you anything especially anything about yourself. Growing up hiking it has pushed me to not only go outside my comfort zone but to expand it entirely. There is nothing comfortable about being outside on a trail in the middle of no where with a pack on your back that contains little amounts of what you need to survive while standing at treacherous points where one wrong move could land you on the news and in a morgue.

4 thoughts on “Passion Project Topic Ideas

  1. Wow, Abbie! That sounds really cool! My family has recently started getting into hiking, and we are constantly camping as well. Writing about hiking and different places to hike would be really interesting to read about;)

  2. This passion sounds really fun and amazing. I would love to read about your experiences hiking and traveling. It’s an amazing idea and I can’t wait to read more.

  3. I think hiking would be an amazing idea to write about!! I had a similar idea for my passion blog! I would love to hear all about your favorite spots 🙂

  4. Hi, Abbie! Nature and traveling seem to be a big part of your life, and I admire you for that! I have always thought about hiking for myself, but never pushed myself to actually go for it. I’d love to follow your blog and gain insights on your own experiences!

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