The Lure of the Deadliest Mountains

I am sure that most of you have heard of Mount Everest(Nepal, China). I’m sure most of you also understand the extreme danger of the tallest summited mountain on earth. This mountain stands at 29,032 feet. Above 26,000 feet the human body can no longer survive on its own. This is why most people who summit Mount Everest do so with supplemental air. At that altitude in the air the human body will start to only use vital body functions and shut down anything non-essential. 6,338 people have reached the summit of Mount Everest while 332 people have died trying and most of their bodies remain on the mountain. Some mountain climbers even use these bodies that are preserved as land markers. It may seem morbid but the people who end up dying, there is no way to retrieve their bodies off the mountain without threatening the life of another human being. There are implications that are understood when attempting this summit and one of them is that it is every man for himself. The goal is to summit and so many people will do so no matter the cost. People get a high off of summiting extremely hard mountains such as Everest and K2. K2 (Pakistan) is definitely not as popular as Everest may be but it is said to be more difficult and more deadly. As of 2021 only 377 have ever summited the mountain K2 and it has claimed the lives of 91 people. K2 has a nickname, “The Savage Mountain.” It was given this name because of its very unforgiving weather and its frequent avalanches. A lot of people argue that Mount Everest and K2 should not be climbed anymore due to the amount of deaths that it causes. I think that being that close to death and actually achieving their goal of reaching the top and beating the odds is the whole appeal. People also think that it is selfish to make the sherpas or porters who get paid to help people climb these mountains, but this is what they have chosen to do. There is nothing making them continue to climb these mountains other than helping people reach their goals. It can be an extremely emotional experience to summit an almost impossible mountain. I have a little bit of experience when it comes to mountains and it used to be my goal to one day climb Mount Everest. I think that it still would be an amazing goal to accomplish but the thing that I have had to consider is if I am willing to die trying to summit this mountain. If I were there would be nothing stopping me from achieving this goal. There are opportunities to hike to the base camps of these mountains without actually having to summit them.

3 thoughts on “The Lure of the Deadliest Mountains

  1. I completely agree with your opinion. People should be able to choose if their willing to risk their lives to accomplish a goal. Climbing mountains isn’t easy but people should be allowed to train and work their way up to climb whatever they deem fit. Challenges are good and the reward could be worth the risk for many people. I like how you presented your opinion and I can’t wait to read more.

  2. I have always thought that summiting a mountain, like Mount Everest, is a death wish, but I understand the appeal to accomplishment and getting an adrenaline rush. People should be free to do what they want and experience life to the fullest, even if that means potentially summiting to your death. I hope you can achieve your goal in the coming years and take the risk if you’re up for it!

  3. I am always impressed for people who climbed the Mount Everest and I really wish you can achieve your goals very soon in the future.

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