Passion Blog: The Canadian Rockies!!

I have only been to Canada one time and my life and it was for a long lay over that I had for Greece. Recently though, I have been seeing a lot of beautiful pictures of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. My friends and are planning to save up and go on a roadtrip this summer after we get out of school in May. If we were to do so we are thinking about visiting some of the other states that we would be passing through. I mean why not?? The Canadian Rockies are located in the Northern British Columbia of Canada. To drive straight there would take about a day and a half. Some states we are planning on visiting on the way there are Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. Altogether we are planning on having two weeks of time for this trip. I can say that I will be busy during the spring semester working to save up money to be able to get me through this trip. While we are there, I am planning on climbing mountains such as Mount Robson and Mount Garibaldi. There is also beautiful kayaking and other adventures to go on along the way. During this time we will be attempting to save as much money as possible by camping at campsites, making our own food, and staying in hostels if possible. One thing I am particularly excited about is the Yoho National Park of Canada.  It will definitely be a costly trip but I have been wanting to climb another mountain since I did back in 2019 and doing it with some of my best friends will be even more rewarding. The thing I am not looking forward to is the amount of driving that will need to happen to get to Canada and making sure that all of my friends get their passports. I am also excited to add some new states to the ones that I have been to already. I also think that getting to know more of what people are like in Canada will be interesting since I have only spent about eight hours in the country before.

2 thoughts on “Passion Blog: The Canadian Rockies!!

  1. I really liked how you showed the financial reality of taking these trips. They are very expensive and require a lot of savings to be able to afford the travel, equipment, and basic needs like food and shelter. i love how enthusiastic you write about a trip your excited for. Also, your rhetorical question made perfect sense for the context surrounding it. I hope you have a great time on your trip. I would also love to read about your experience after going on the trip.

  2. I didn’t know the Canadian Rocky Mountains were a thing before this, but getting able to visit such a landmark would be breathtaking to say the least. Planning to go with your friends is another aspect that I think enhances the experience and allows you to be with the people you love while exploring something unknown. I hope you are able to go on this trip as I think it owuld be a once in a lifetime opportunity and a unique experience to remember forever.

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