This I Believe Reflection.

The writing process came easily to me because I knew exactly what I wanted to write about. It took me probably 30 minutes to write and then another 30 minutes to workshop. My only problem was that some of the wording was confusing so I had to switch some of it around more to make the story flow easier. I also had to make some adjustment since some people got the man that was going up the mountain that I was upset about confused with my dad. Overall though I really enjoyed this assignment and being able to write about something that I am passionate about in detail.

3 thoughts on “This I Believe Reflection.

  1. I liked your “This I Believe.” It was smooth and very clear. I loved your idea about the hiking and how you made it to the end and prayed to God. I felt like it was personal and it showed your growth and new insight into yourself. Great job!

  2. Your speech was so inspiring! Honestly, now I want to hike a mountain lol. This was overall a great metaphor for perseverance. It may have been hard to climb that mountain, but you would never have had that life changing experience if you turned back when you wanted to. Amazing job, this was really entertaining!! :))

  3. I loved your storytelling and the belief you took away from your experience. The story was inspiring, and you did a great job capturing your emotions on the trek up the mountain. The descriptive language you used kept me engaged and helped me picture what you were trying to illustrate. Climbing a mountain that big is amazing and makes me want to go on more hikes. I will definitely be starting slower though haha. I can’t wait to read what else you write!!!

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