Civic Issues: Women in healthcare

There are many groups of people who don’t receive the type of care that they should due to prejudice or just because they are not the main focus of the studies. Many of the medical studies that are done are first done on men and always have the promise of doing a study on women as well. The problem with this is that men and women are not biologically the same and the symptoms and the way they express them will not appear the same. Many illnesses both mental and physically go unnoticed in women solely because they do not express them the same way as their male counterparts do. This is popularly seen in women being under diagnosed widely with autism and ADHD. Women are far more likely to start masking their autistic behavior. They are able to adapt to their environment more than most men can but their other tendencies go unnoticed because of the social aspect is what is one of the main symptoms in the men who are studied and diagnosed. ADHD is also an example of this because one of the biggest indicators in men with ADHD is that they are more hyperactive but when it comes to women they are more inattentive. When it comes to women with undiagnosed ADHD they are typically seen as lazy or unaware of what is going on without any effort of digging deeper into what is actually happening.

3 thoughts on “Civic Issues: Women in healthcare

  1. YES. Women in healthcare are so unrepresented. Especially with mental disorders like ADHD and autism… I know so many women are forced to struggle and are seen in a negative light rather than seeing that they need help. I completely agree that this topic needs more attention brought to it.

  2. This is a great piece and is an issue that needs a lot more attention brought too it. As you said, women and men are biologically different, and studies need to be done on both sexes not just males. Women often show symptoms different than males and if more studies tested women as well it would have a great impact on this issue. I’ve heard so many women talk about their struggles within healthcare and especially when it comes to mental disorders, which causes them to struggle and not get the proper care that they need. Something definitely needs to be done about this issue and needs more awareness!!!

  3. I enjoyed this. This topic isn’t discussed much, and no action is taken on it. Many women have faced countless struggles and their mental health. There is always a stereotype that women have to act modern and respectful. They ned to get the proper care and this is an issue that needs to be brought more attention to.

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