Reproductive Rights

Something that has been bothering me lately is the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I feel like ever since it happened we told a huge step back in our rights for women in America. I know women that this actual law has affected. In some states, where abortion is illegal, it can sometimes be a crime if there is a situation where there is a choice between the mother’s life and the child’s life and the mother’s life is picked that the mother could be charged. It upsets me that this is the case because I know a family member that needed emergency care many years ago for this exact situation and it makes me angry to know that if this were to happen now that she could have been blamed for valuing her life. Not that she did not value her child’s life but in my opinion you can make another child but if you die then that’s it, and if there is a man in the picture you’re essentially leaving the father to raise a child completely by himself. It is just my belief that women should have rights to their own bodily autonomy and that old men should keeps their opinions out of things that affect women ONLY.

3 thoughts on “Reproductive Rights

  1. I completely agree! The overturn of Roe v Wade made me extremely angry and made me lose a lot of respect with the US government. Taking away this bodily right for women is just plain inhumane. I don’t think it is right for any government to make laws pertaining to someone’s body. I believe we should all have the right to control what goes on with our own bodies. I know in some cases abortion should not occur, but by taking away this right it hurts so many women who are in cases where abortion can save their lives, like your family members. As you said old men should keep their opinions to themselves especially when it pertains to only women!!!

  2. I completely and totally agree. This is a free country… women should have the freedom to control their own bodies. Men should have no say over that, it’s genuinely so gross. I really hope one day we can get more representation in our government–people who have women’s interests in mind.

  3. I completely agree with your statement! Everyone is their person and people have no right to say what you can’t do to your own body. It makes women feel like puppets and controlled and afraid of what could happen if they disapprove of the law. It is a struggle for many females to travel to states to receive and abortion and treatment.

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