Project: Essay 2
I believe the more you do something, the less frightening it becomes if you fail because you start to realize that the process is more important than the outcome.
-Anna Arsiriy
Being an older student, I lately came to the conclusion that there is an existential moment in my life when I must decide what I will be doing with my life. I used to tell my husband that “I am in my mid 20s and I still don’t know who I want to be when I grow up”. Even though I was joking, I constantly felt that I have to love what I do and do what I love. As simple as that.
Let me start from the very beginning. I was born and raised in Kazan, Russia. There were two turning points in my life’s path. First one was during my adolescence period. Since I was six, I’ve been professionally playing piano, so after elementary school my parents and music teachers decided that my future has no other option but to be connected with a pianist career. It’s ironic when you are a kid, the more you succeed in something, the more your parents “predefine” your future for you. Long story short, being in a very restricted environment with no choices left, I came to a breaking point and said “no” to music career.
I refused going to a Conservatory, and instead graduated high school with honors and became a student at Kazan National Research Technical University. In June 2011, I was qualified as a Bachelor of Engineering and Technology. I moved to the United States when I was 21 right after I graduated – this was a second major turning point. I came to the U.S. by myself with zero in my pocket, very poor English speaking skills, and no one there by my side.
Even though I successfully accomplished my degree in Russia, I always knew that Engineering does not line my bag of interests. Unfortunately, there are not so many schools in Russia that actually study Art as an independent major. Now, when I live and study in the U.S., the country of thousands of opportunities and tons of creativeness, I’ve been constantly pushing myself out of my comfort zone. This fall of 2017, I transferred to PSU from Bucks County Community College where I got my basic knowledge of 2D and 3D design fundamentals. Even though it is my second degree, I feel that I have never had so much passion to study as I do now!
After graduation from Penn State, I am planning to proceed my professional career as an artist in new Media, including Graphic and Web design, as well as relatively new field in Interactive Interior Design. I don’t like writing much about what my art is about, let alone giving directions/clues to a spectator because my art is open to any interpretations. My work (and my life in general) is not based on theory and moral, but rather on my own inner impulses which tell me where to go and why. Even though it may sound pretty generalized, I will keep working, creating, and achieving my goal as long as love and art are walking by my side.