Intro => Semiotic Square


This final semester, I decided to build a web site based on a project I’ve worked on during my break. Over the break, I created an online store for selling winter baby clothing – which works just like Amazon.

You can see my beautiful brand-new shop HERE! 🙂

This is a real e-commerce shop for purchasing stuff with your credit card or PayPal account and stuff will be shipped to the customer anywhere in the world.

Now. I’m about to build an e-commerce web site for a real shop (“the client”) on WP WooCommerce base. As of today, I am already collaborating with people (“the client”) who own a physical store and desire to sell their stuff virtually as well.

The biggest issue that comes with this project is how to sync inventory of the physical store with the inventory of the e-shop. I need to write a code which will be able to connect their Springboard Retail Point of Sale database inventory with e-commerce website I want to create. In other words, we would need to develop a program which will be using their API to connect two platforms (WooCommerce and Springboard Retail POS). This is something that I’m hoping to get help with from IT people.


Closer to the Point

First, as I already noticed last year, Semiotic square is a graphic representation that leads to the correct thesis statement. Second, I want to emphasize that one of the main goals this semester will be to learn and understand the following terms and concepts:

  • Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Rest API
  • HTTP Methods for RESTful services
  • REST vs JSON
  • OAuth, OAuth Flow
  • Protocols, Responses from servers, Versioning

…which leads me to representing E-commerce as a complex system of Data-Server-Web-Client interrelations based off of the semiotic square shown below.

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