Dreaming in White in a Dream Master Bedroom


When it comes to home decor and bedroom styling I think it’s the best if the room presents clean, fresh atmosphere and provide a good air flow. My personal experience tells me that the bedroom is the most intimate and relaxing spot in the house. It is extremely important that my bedroom space corresponds to my mood. The master bedroom interior should be rather the place where people can blank their minds and forget about their daily routine. Whether a person shares his/her bed with the partner or does not, there should not be any mental activities as people go to the bed. Relaxation, pleasure, and refreshing are the things coming in my mind when I think about going to the bed. And therefore, a suitable bedroom interior should help us to shut the brain down and turn our unconscious self on. That’s when dreams come to the play.


Some Things to Think About Before Getting Started

According to www.psychologytoday.com,

We spend our days gathering information, some of it we would like to keep, most of it we need to discard. If we do not clear out our mental storage space regularly we risk saturating our brain with too much useless trivia. In order to fully process this information, we need to shut our brain down; disconnect it entirely from the outside world.

While scientists still do not know much about why or how we dream, an interior designer’s concern is to make sure that people spend a third of their lives sleeping being in a comfortable pleasing atmosphere. And the color choice is the first thing an interior designer should think of while making the master bedroom interior for dreaming and not for sleeping.

For me, the choice is obvious. A white on white room is timeless. And it’s not just a personal preference. White color is both blank and rich, it fills mind and space at the same time. It symbolizes purity, goodness, heaven, light, innocence and spirituality. It is a perfect color for relaxing, emptying the mind and diving right into the dream world. Pizzetti Design says

White interiors can bring you peace, tranquility, relax, but also, with the right pop of colors and contrast, they easily become versatile, alive, energetic. Not to mention that they make the room look bigger, spacious and airy.


Even though white itself is a pretty complete color, I agree that adding some spots of bright color can’t hurt. Especially if combined with simplified geometric shapes and lines, it makes an amazing effect of spaciousness in the bedroom.



Elegancy of my master bedroom contemporary interior design is in color choice (white with some accents of rich deep purple), simple shapes, functionality and spaciousness. All together it is a design in minimalist geometric style. Furniture, including the bed, shelves, and desk, are designed to create interesting negative open spaces. There is no nightstands next to the bed since it stands on the horizontal shelf units which function as both nightstands and bed pedestal. The master bedroom has a walk-in-closet and master bathroom (not yet completed).

I used SketchUp Pro 2018 to complete the sketch of my idea, as well as a lot of pencil/charcoal on paper.




Wenk, Gary L. “Sleep and Dreams.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 7 Feb. 2011, www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-brain-food/201102/sleep-and-dreams.

Posted on March 26, 2014 at 7:20 am. Written by Pizzetti Design. “Dreaming in White: 10 Stunning White Interiors.” PIZZETTI DESIGN, 8 July 2014, www.pizzettidesign.com/dreaming-in-white-10-stunning-white-interiors/

Scott, Elaine, and John O’Brien. i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/bb/2f/1bbb2ffdb2552f729e9b13b1785e91f7.jpg.