Gemini Coven

There is no way around this- the Gemini have problems. To be fair, they are one of the oldest and most intricate factions of witches in the world, so it makes sense that they have some baggage that goes along with them. But what do you expect? I mean, their entire coven is based around one twin killing the other to assume power over the group. Pretty messed up if you ask me. But let’s hit some of the highlights of this group, shall we.

I gotta do it. I have to start with Kai. Malichai Parker. You can ask me a thousand times, my answer will always be the same- Kai is the most messed up, dangerous, and evil character in the series. When Kai’s tendencies as a Siphoner came out (meaning he only gets magic when he drains it from other things), his family treated him badly, calling him an abomination. Kai grew up to become a sociopath and a psychopath. His evil start came when he killed four of his siblings and attempted to kill the youngest twins. He was then tricked and shoved into a prison world (where you would think he would be secure). But, of course, this is the Vampire Diaries, meaning the worst case scenario is likely bound to happen. Bonnie and Damon end up accidentally letting him out, which leads to much destruction and havoc, including murdering his pregnant twin Jo (Josette Saltzman) on her wedding day. Yikes, right? Thank goodness the Gemini coven have a spell to transfer twins that are in utero into another prospective mother…

Ok, so Jo. Alaric’s love and wife, a wonderful doctor and compassionate friend. She renounced her witch heritage so she could lead a normal life, but sadly was thrown right back in again after meeting Alaric and becoming Elena’s mentor in the hospital. Thank goodness she did come into their lives, though. She is single handedly responsible for saving Alaric’s life and making him human again after being a vampire.

It is also worth mentioning about Olivia (Liv) Parker and twin brother Lucas (Luke) Parker. They end up being important to getting people back once they die and go to the Other Side. But the most notable thing (other than Tyler dating Liv) is the fact that Luke is killed by Kai when they attempt to merge. Yeah, I think we can all agree Luke would have been a better leader than Kai…

2 thoughts on “Gemini Coven

  1. Honestly the whole coven baffles me. The idea that a twin needs to merge is so sad (especially because I am a twin lol). I can’t even begin to express my emotions for Kai. He is beyond unstable and insane. Also, Jo and Alaric deserved BETTER! Jo should have never died and they could have lived happily ever after. I was so upset when Luke didn’t win the merge because he clearly would have been a much better leader than Kai.

  2. I loved Jo for Alaric and her death was one of the most upsetting things that occurred in the series for me! I often feel like sometimes in the show they just kill people for no reason and I really felt this way about Jo’s death.

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