New issue of ImageText- “A Comic of Her Own: Women Writing, Reading and Embodying through Comics”
The interdisciplinary comics studies journal, ImageText, just released a new special issue examining gender in comics. The issue, “A Comic of Her Own: Women Writing, Reading and Embodying through Comics” is co-edited by one of my favorite professors from the Popular Culture department at Bowling Green State University, Dr. Jeff Brown, and features a bunch of really interesting articles with feminist analyses of comics. It also happens to include my article on Jack Kirby’s Granny Goodness, Motherbox, and the representations of maternal bodies in comics.
Check out my paper: “How Can I Refuse You, Mother Box?!” Abjection and Objectification of Motherhood in Jack Kirby’s Fourth World
And the journal, ImageTexT, published by the English department at University of Florida: ImageTexT