What now?

As the last post of this blog, I wanted to end on a happier note, rather than on one that points out everything wrong with our environment.  Instead, let’s explore what we are doing collectively to combat the deteriorating state of the Earth.  I’m not going to debate whether climate change is real or not… Read More What now?

Biodiversity Loss

Initially, one might think of biodiversity as the endangerment and extinction of species at a high rate.  And this is true, especially since humans have expedited the rate at which species have ceased to exist by 1000 times than in the past.  In fact, scientists estimate that 200 to 2000 species go extinct every year. … Read More Biodiversity Loss


Growing up in elementary school, environmental education was heavily emphasized.  We were encouraged to bring trash-less lunches, we had garbage pick-up days, and were reminded constantly of the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  However, there’s only so much a 6-year-old’s brain can understand…so I guess to sum my learnings up: pollution sucks. It’s a growing… Read More Pollution


“Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correcting.” -Thanos If you haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame, a) you should and b) do it now or else this post won’t make sense.  I’m kidding, of course, but this big,… Read More Overpopulation

Trash Disposal

1.3 billion tons of solid waste.  That’s how much trash the world produces each year.  Imagine over 800 000 Olympic-sized swimming pools of trash!  As you can probably guess, America is the world’s biggest waste producer, followed by China (whose population size is only a quarter of our own, by the way).  More statistics would… Read More Trash Disposal

Urban Sprawl

If I were to ask you if you lived in the suburbs, there’s a high probably you would say yes.  In fact, 52% of Americans say that they live in a suburban setting.  What many of us know as “home, sweet home,” is actually a threat to the earth’s health.  The familiar image of cookie-cutter… Read More Urban Sprawl


“I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees, which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please.”  -The Lorax, Dr. Seuss.  Nearly everyone has read the book or seen the movie featuring a creature with a cool mustache (bearing remarkable resemblance in both appearance and values to my ecology professor) who attempts… Read More Deforestation

Natural Disasters

Climate change has been a hot topic in many people’s discussions today.  With increasing global temperatures and rising sea levels, we are nearing–or maybe have missed–the window in which we can reverse irreparable damage to our only home.  The effects of climate change go past unbearably hot summers and the constant flooding of coastal cities. … Read More Natural Disasters