Information Governance needs to be a core tenant of any Enterprise Information Architecture. Without a governance program, strategic decisions are based on unreliable data. Data needs to be assessed from multiple dimensions:
- Accuracy — whether the data values being held reflect the properties of the real-world object or an event that the data is intended to model.
- Consistency — whether the values of attributes managed or presented in multiple locations are the same.
- Existence — whether a value is being held for a particular attribute.
- Integrity — whether all expected relationships between data in multiple data stores, tables and files are intact.
- Validity — whether the values held fall within the allowable domain of values established for an attribute.
- Believability — the degree to which users of the data believe and trust it.
- Interpretability — the degree of ease with which data is consumed and understood.
- Timeliness — the degree to which the latency of data delivery matches the needs of the consuming individuals or processes
One strategy for maintaining data integrity across enterprise systems is to appoint Data Stewards; stakeholders who are responsible for defining, driving and enforcing data quality efforts. However even with a well positioned steward team with a framework well aligned to their enterprises capabilities, there needs to be buy-in. Not only from the resources responsible for a majority of the data quality work but from leadership with supportive strategic initiatives.
For instance, an organization focused on data economy solutions may have robust data architectures that promote consistency, integrity, and timeliness but due to the focus on dimensions that support application usage there is a lack of development priority to promote accuracy and integrity. Dimensions that derive from tasks in different parts of the development pipeline. This is where stewards need to be able to influence enterprise priorities.
- Friedman, T. (2007). Best Practices for Data Stewardship. Gartner.