PAS8: The Finale

PAS8: The Main Idea-

Over the course of this passion blog, you have been introduced to my experiences about winning and succeeding. Over the past 7 blogs, I have talked about fear, hard work, confidence, breath, adversity, leading, and emotions. These 7 things were the keys to my success in high school and have served as the foundation of my character. But what do all these things have in common? This leads me to my last and final key to success: the mind.

Every one of these experiences didn’t deal with anything physical; it was all mental. The fear and then fearlessness existed in my head. The determination to work hard, the confidence, the breathing, the adversity, the leading, and my emotions all existed in my own internal dialogue.

This is where the magic happens. In each one of my stories, there is a similar theme. Each story starts from an unsuccessful point. And then you can see where I progress to learn a valuable lesson. And each one of these lessons came from the conquering of my own mind.

I have slowly started to realize that my life is in my head. Every problem, solution, excitement, sadness, or failure exists in my head. And if I can learn to make the failures seem like wins and make the sadness feel like excitement, I can control any situation. I knew that once I could control my mind, I could be unstoppable.

I have a great example for you; just this past Tuesday, I had a speech for my CAS137 class (this class). I also had 2 exams on Monday and an exam on Tuesday. I also had to catch the 3:30 bus after class to make it home. I was extremely stressed and overwhelmed. But because I had learned these valuable lessons, I was able to relax and do what I had to do.

I was able to be fearless in my speech. I was able to prepare for everything in a short time because of my hard work. I was able to stay calm for my speech because of my confidence. I was able to use my breathing techniques to slow my heart rate during my exams. I was able to draw on all my prior experiences to control my mind which in turn controlled my life.

This is ultimately what we all want, control. It is statistically proven that less control equals more stress. Therefore, by reading my blog you and controlling your mind you can experience reduced stress and a happier life. Thank you for reading my passion blog.

One thought on “PAS8: The Finale

  1. I can’t say I expected anything less! your first speech was insanely good and I’m proud of you for continuing to push through even when you were overwhelmed or stressed.

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