

The website provides a collection of IT interview questions that have been asked by various companies during the hiring process. The questions cover a wide range of topics, including programming languages, database management, system architecture, and cybersecurity. The website allows job seekers to prepare for IT interviews by reviewing and practicing common behavioral and technical IT interview questions. Additionally, the website also provides insights into the interview process and experiences of other job seekers. Users can filter out the content based on their needs and search criteria from newest to oldest posts and enter specific keywords they are looking for in the search bar.

Tips for Using the Site:

  • Adjust the filters based on “Popular”, “Relevance”, or “Date” posted of the results to see what you are looking for.
  • If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you will be able to see specific IT positions and the interview questions relevant to those positions which have been asked by recruiters in the past.
  • You can even go to the search bar on top and type in the keywords pertinent to your particular search for desired results.
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