Which was your favorite blog to write and why?
Last semester, when we were told we had to write a passion blog, I was expecting to absolutely hate it, however, throughout the semester I began to genuinely enjoy it. My passion blog last semester was about art history, so I got to do lots of research and look at some amazing art to decide which pieces to write about.
Though I had already decided which authors I wanted to discuss in my blog this semester, I still got to learn so much new information about their actual lives rather than what they wrote in their books.
Another aspect of the passion blog that I really enjoyed was that I recommended some of my favorite books to people (though not everyone actually looked at them). Some people commented that they were interested in some of the books I recommended, and I know of at least one person who plans to read at least one of them.
I also liked that I had a specific format that I designed and followed in each passion blog. I started with a photo of the author, then inserted a quote (from a book I did not recommend), then wrote a short biography, then recommended a book or two by that author.
Interestingly enough, I also thought the minimum word requirement worked really well for my blog. I usually went over quite a bit, but it was nice to not be struggling to hit a word requirement.
Overall, I just thought that my passion blog was super interesting and fun to write and research.