Life and Death

Lynsey Addario’s memoir revolves around her photography, so naturally she shares some of her photos with the reader. One photo that stood out was the photo of a boy diving into an artificial lake surrounding former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s palace in Mosul. The picture is particularly noteworthy because it provides a stark contrast to the other, more serious photographs that Addario focuses on. Instead of depicting vicious protests, soldiers in action, or war-stricken families, this photo just shows a a young boy doing what young boys do: enjoying themselves in the outdoors. It humanizes the characters of Addario’s work, and reminds us that these people are not unlike ourselves. Furthermore, the photos also dispels misconceptions about the location Addario is documenting. Instead of a barren, lifeless environment that everyone expects Iraq to be, this photograph shows that Iraq is instead a pristine, happy, and beautiful place. All of these elements are important pieces in Addario’s rhetorical mission. The humanizing nature of the photo evokes plays well with the otherwise serious content of her other photos. It further evokes feelings of sympathy and compassion for the subjects. Addario hopes that the innocence of her subjects can be preserved and protected from the threat of war, poverty, or corruption.

Photos will be critical to my passion blog, as sight really captures the essence of food. You eat as much with your eyes as you do with your mouth. Things that look delicious are flat-out more likely to taste better and, more importantly in the context of my blog, appealing. Including brilliant photos of food puts the reader in the right mood to read the blog. These photos should make the reader feel hungry. If the reader decides to actually try out some of my techniques or recipes, they will know what to look for.

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