First Arduino Experiment


I will first begin this blog by going through the experiments detailed in the Arduino Book that came with the device. Some of the code utilized will be different than the code provided in the Arduino Book since I will want to personalize the experiments and may also find more efficient ways of accomplishing the tasks. This first experiment is extremely simple, and does not involve any code.


The first experiment is based on the basic principles of electrical engineering and are meant to allow a beginner to understand series and parallel connections. A series connection is when two electrical devices are connected to each other through only one terminal with both devices having the same current going through them. Parallel connections have every terminal of two or more devices connected to all of the terminals of another device, resulting in all of the devices having the same voltage across them.


First, in order to have accurate calculations for the remainder of the experiments, we must find out what the finite resistance of the voltage source is using equations 1 and 2. These equations come from voltage division, which utilizes the fact that all voltages in the circuit must add up to the supply voltage. Using a voltmeter, it will be possible to see what voltage is dropping on the load resistor and what voltage is dropping across the Arduino Voltage Source (nominally 5 V). Once this is complete, three simple experiments will be conducted.

Mathematical equations used throughout:

Experiment One


Figure 1.) Experiment 1 Schematic


Figure one shows the result of applying equations 1 and 2 in order to find the source resistance of the Arduino. Using a voltmeter to determine VL, It was experimentally determined to be 2.222 ohms. This is shown in figure 2 and labeled as R1. This value will be used for all of the future experiments that are conducted throughout the Arduino blogs.



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