
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic day or night! This blog is very different than what we have done, so I will be adjusting and learning throughout the process, but I hope you enjoy the new blogs we will be doing. For these civic issues blog posts, I decided to talk about discrimination through different problems we have been shown. I believe it is essential to discuss discrimination since it’s an issue that negatively affects many individuals and communities worldwide. By talking about it, we can help individuals who have been discriminated against be empowered and advocate for them. There are many types of discrimination we will be discussing, including:

  • Racial discrimination
  • Gender discrimination
  • Age discrimination
  • Sexual orientation discrimination 
  • Religious discrimination
  • Disability discrimination
  • National origin discrimination
  • Pregnancy and maternity discrimination

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And as well as there are a lot of types of discrimination there are a lot of different forms of discrimination we will be discussing, including:

  • Direct discrimination
  • Indirect discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Victimization

We can see discrimination every day, and we must remember that it won’t always be in our faces. It can happen anywhere and may be subtle. We can see it in the workplace with unequal pay because of gender, racial profiling in the law enforcement department, hate crimes because of the person’s identity, and stereotyping because of sex, gender, or age, you name it. Some people take it as a joke and don’t see discrimination has many side effects. These include:

  • Emotional and psychological harm
  • Health disparities
  • Economic disparities
  • Educational disparities
  • Societal divisions
  • Legal issues

Because of this, we have to fight against discrimination to promote equality, justice, and fairness for all individuals. 

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That is it for today’s blog. I hope you guys didn’t feel bumped out reading about it like I did when I had to investigate it. This is an overview, but in the following civic issues blogs, we will address specific problems. Hence, we had to begin with an overview of what it is, its negative effects, how you may see it, and why it is essential to fight against it. I hope you enjoyed it and that it was easy to read.

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone wrote about. I hope I wouldn’t have to see you in the next blog, but the world gives us a lot to write about. Have a great rest of your day or night!

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