Age Discrimination

Many forms of discrimination are overlooked, one being age discrimination, also known as ageism, the unfair treatment or stereotyping of individuals based on age. Although no light shines upon it, this discrimination shows in many areas of life, like employment, healthcare, and social interactions. 

Older Workers: What Age Discrimination Looks Like - Fitzgerald Law

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One of the most common forms of age discrimination is employment discrimination. It includes refusing to hire or promote someone based on age or using age-related stereotypes to justify adverse treatment. Although it may seem like nothing to some, this can have various adverse effects on the person discriminated against. These include limited job opportunities, financial strain, reduced self-esteem, negative health impacts, and reduced social connections, affecting their financial and emotional well-being.

Another common form of age discrimination is healthcare discrimination. This is where older patients may be overlooked or dismissed based on age, leading to misdiagnosis or inadequate treatment. My grandma has been rejected by the doctor because she is simply “getting old” and doesn’t receive a proper diagnosis or treatment to treat her medical condition. This is horrible and leaves the person in unnecessary suffering, and they can even die prematurely.

Lastly, another form of age discrimination might be social discrimination. This is where older or younger individuals (primarily seen in older individuals) are excluded or treated differently based on age, leading to social isolation and a diminished quality of life. They may be excluded from social activities or events because they are “too old” to participate, this may sound cheesy, but it may hurt their feelings. The person may feel lonely or depressed, which can go to have negative effects on both their physical and mental health. 

All in all, age discrimination is an issue that affects people of all ages and can have severe consequences for the person being discriminated against. It may impact their careers, health, and well-being. It is essential to raise awareness on this topic to eliminate it wherever it occurs. We need to work on promoting inclusivity and diversity to create a more equitable society for all. 

Older Workers Experience Age Discrimination at Work and in Hiring

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Thank you for reading this and getting informed about different types of discrimination so we can work to eliminate it. I recommend you get informed about prejudice and racism to take action and see how we can help.  See you in the next blog/story. Have a fantastic rest of your day or night. 

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