Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Hello! Welcome or welcome back to the blog. It’s almost the last Civic Issues Post we have due this semester! Honestly, I’m pretty excited. I love doing Passion Posts, but these civic blogs are more challenging for me to do. However, I love having a platform and informing people about a critical problem. That being said, let’s get started on today’s blog.

Today I’ll be talking about sexual orientation discrimination. It refers to unfair or unequal treatment based on the person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. This problem can limit LGBTQIA+ individuals’ access to education, employment, housing, and healthcare. These can result in emotional distress, social isolation, and physical violence. 

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A real-life example of this type of discrimination is when a baker refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple. What happened was that the baker refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his religious beliefs. The couple argued that they were being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, while the baker argued that he was exercising his religious freedom. 

The refusal to bake a cake was a form of discrimination because it denied a couple the same service and experience as heterosexual couples receive. It also tells them their relationship is not valid or as important as heterosexual couples. This discrimination violates the principle of equality and freedom from discrimination, which are fundamental human rights. 

Thankfully, this example doesn’t show physical violence, but it is very common. This discrimination can create a very hostile environment, quickly escalating into violence. It can take many forms, including hate crimes, physical assault, and harassment. It is crucial we create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone before anything else might happen. This can involve education and awareness campaigns, as well as implementing laws and policies that protect the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals.

In conclusion, sexual orientation discrimination can harm individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community. Addressing and preventing this discrimination is essential to ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 

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Thank you for reading this and getting informed about different types of discrimination so we can work to eliminate it. I recommend you get informed about all kinds of discrimination and racism to take action and see how we can help. See you in the next blog/story. Have an excellent rest of your day or night. 

One Comment Add yours

  1. aqk6184 says:

    This blog definitely touches on a very relevant civil issue. Sexual orientation discrimination is definitely a large issue in our country that needs to be addressed. I like how you used an example to touch on the wider issue of sexual orientation discrimination. I also like how the information was displayed and conveyed because it made the blog a lot more readable and engaging.

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