Gender Discrimination

Welcome to the last civic issues blog post! I am glad you are here, and I’m also glad I’m here; that means I am writing my last one. Opposite to the Passion Posts that I love, as I said, these were quite hard, and it took me a lot of time to do them. Although…

Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Hello! Welcome or welcome back to the blog. It’s almost the last Civic Issues Post we have due this semester! Honestly, I’m pretty excited. I love doing Passion Posts, but these civic blogs are more challenging for me to do. However, I love having a platform and informing people about a critical problem. That being…

Age Discrimination

Many forms of discrimination are overlooked, one being age discrimination, also known as ageism, the unfair treatment or stereotyping of individuals based on age. Although no light shines upon it, this discrimination shows in many areas of life, like employment, healthcare, and social interactions.  Photo Source One of the most common forms of age discrimination…

Racial Discrimination

In this blog post, we’ll discuss racial discrimination and racism in the criminal justice system. The story that I will be using will be Eric Garner’s story, which most of you have probably heard. It was part of what sparked the Black Lives Matter movement. This story highlights the need for systemic changes in policing…

Religious Discrimination

Hello! Welcome to the first blog for the Civic Issues Posts. As I discussed in the last one, there are multiple types of discrimination, including racial, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability discrimination, etc. Still, the one we will be talking about today is religious discrimination.  In 2013, a woman was denied service at a gas…


Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic day or night! This blog is very different than what we have done, so I will be adjusting and learning throughout the process, but I hope you enjoy the new blogs we will be doing. For these civic issues blog posts, I decided to talk about…