For whoever is commenting: Do you think it would be easier to use the one focusing on the election, or the one with the statistical data… I’m leaning towards the data but let me know please.
BASIC Speech Outline
- Attention getter: Dumpsters are great. They take trash away from your life weekly and you’ll never have to see the trash again, until you start consuming it.
- Topic: How pollution is affecting sea animals and humans.
- HOOK: Over one million sea creatures and sea birds die every year due to pollution
- Establishing credibility: I’m not perfect, I’ve thrown away that crumpled piece of paper instead of recycling. I’ve use plastic bags instead of taking my reusable bags to the store. But I want to do better, we need to do better in order to save the lives of animals.
- Thesis:Humans have to be more aware of their ecological footprint.
- Preview: In this speech I will be rhetorically analyzing the Surfrider “what Goes In The Ocean Goes In You” ad and it’s use Kairos, ethos, and logos to persuade its audience.
- Body — Kairos (I’m using it location wise and time wise)
subpoint 1 – Created in California in 2016 during an election.
subpoint 2 – The ad came out to influence voters to vote YES on proclamation 67 which bans plastic and paper bags. The setting in important since California is scene as a more progressive state and has, over the years, started environmental fads. This is optimal advertisement because it directly affects the lives of most Californians who eat sushi, which is super popular in California.
subpoint 3 – Because of this, Californians’ pride in their ocean and their reputation of being the progressive state.
III. Body — Pathos
subpoint 1 – Uses trash filled sushi as its grabbing image for readers to identify with.
subpoint 2 – This will make people feel uncomfortable with the though of eating the trash the fish end up consuming. Also, make the viewer sympathetic towards sea creatures who end up eating human garbage.
subpoint 3 – After seeing this ad, viewers couldn’t help but look at their freshly ordered sushi, and other sea food products, as trash. With such uncomfortableness the mass public is bound to question their personal morals before throwing things away.
- Body — Logos
subpoint 1 – Understandable statistics about fish ingestion of plastic is used in the ad.
subpoint 2 – The wording is at a medium-level vocabulary, so it’s easy enough for the average person to read, but gives enough scientific information to actually inform the reader.
subpoint 3 – Later on the proclamation wins 58%.
- Trash is not inevitable, not any more. With the amount of technology we have, and problems we have caused as a species, there has got to be a way to change the way we throw things out.
- To get the publics’ attention, rhetorical methods must be used.
- The ad uses it’s location of California and it’s large population of beach goers and fish eaters to its advantage, an image to invoke uncomfortableness in the realization of what they, and fishes, are ingesting, and uses facts to make it valid.
- So, who’s willing to keep on eating trash?
I think that use should use the flyer based on the statistical data because I feel like a flyer that jumps straight to talking about the election would leave the audience with a lack of information. But the rest of the outline looks good.