
In the past, birth rate and death rate have typically been able to balance each other out, meaning the human population maintained a steady growth rate that was sustainable. However, several factor have changed which has lead to overpopulation. Overpopulation is defined as “an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth” (Conserve-energy-future.com). Overpopulation has many negative effects on our Earth, and although effects underdeveloped countries more, its effects can be seen everywhere.

High angle view of the people crowd gathered on the street : Stock Photo

To begin to understand the effects of overpopulation, we should begin by looking at the causes. The most notable cause of overpopulation is a declining death rate and an increasing life expectancy. If there are more children being born than people dying, the population is going to be growing exponentially. One large contribution to the increasing separation between birth rates and death rates in the improvement of medical care and medical facilities. The medical industry has come a very long way in curing what used to be fatal diseases. With the invention of vaccines and medications, diseases that used to wipe out many, are now easily fought off.

In addition to a decline in death rate, we have also seen an increase in birth rate contribute to overpopulation. One reason for this changing number is the introduction of fertility treatments. People who were previously unable to have children can now try a wide array of methods to increase their chances of becoming parents. In addition, to coincide with the previous point, the development of medical facilities has made pregnancy and childbirth a safer process, resulting in fewer lost pregnancies. These two factors together have lead to an increasing birth rate. This increased birth rate coupled with the decreased death rate, overtime has lead to a vast over population.

Annual world population since 10 thousand bce for owid

For more information, data, and graphs like the one above, visit this website.

All of the causes of overpopulation are apparently positive aspects of human society today. However, we can not overlook the slew of negative consequences we face as a result of overpopulation. One effect of overpopulation is the depletion of natural resources. The Earth can only produce so much water and food. With more and more people, the Earth can not possibly keep up with the demands of nourishing this many people.

Overpopulation also leads to more conflicts among countries and people. With not enough resources to support all humans, conflict breaks out over the limited supply. The overpopulation also causes more diseases and allows them to spread much faster and become harder to control. We can see a clear example of this in the world right now with the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Overpopulation also leads to a rise in unemployment coupled with a higher cost of living. When there are more people, it only makes sense that there will be more unemployed people. There are only so many jobs, and too many people for everyone to find employment.

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