Get A Manicure!

Nail art is a way of creativity, art, and beauty. As previously mentioned in past posts beauty expands through multiple different platforms ranging from skin care, makeup, hairstyles, and todays mention of nail art. Nails come in various shapes and lengths with designs of your choice.       Nail art has evolutional history that many of us are oblivious to. Personally I think it’s quite interesting writing about these forms of beauty because many people are not aware of. Nail art is  expressed on fingernails through manicures and toenails through pedicures.

Gold in Ancient Egypt | Lazaro SoHo

Nail art goes as back as 3000 to 5000 BC where ancient Egyptians would dye their nails with henna in order to project their social hierarchy and seduce men. Status was declared through upper class women wearing darker and harsh colors and lower class women wearing pastel and warmer colors.  Men would also paint their nails either green or black with kohl when going to war. In 3000 BC the first nail polish was created in china, it was made from beeswax, egg, gelatin, vegetable dyes, and gum arabic. Ancient Chinese people would dip their fingernails within this mixture for hours until it dried in order to achieve their painted nails, having a range of colors as well. During the Ming Dynasty having long nails (as long as 6 inches) was normal and were protected by golden nail guards in order for their nails not to break or become damaged. It was not until the Inca Empire nail art became part of society with the first and primary design being an eagle painted on their fingernails.

The Classic French Manicure Has A Multi-Dimensional New Remix

The first manicure was created 1830 through using dental tools and previous to that metal rods or scissors where used to cut and shape nails. Women were known for having short almond shaped nails and would use oils as their polish. It was not until 1907 the first liquid nail polish was invented. As nail art progressed throughout the years the infamous and classy  “French Tip” was created in Paris in 1976. During the 1980’s was when nail beauty and art really popped off (making its final and lasting mark)and was even featured in Vogue.

Today modern nail art consists of positives and negatives. Negatively speaking on this aspect, while the nail community grew not only for girls but reintegrated boys as well. Many individuals view nail art as feminine, negatively impacting boys who decided to get a manicure with their nails painted creating controversy and questioning these boys sexuality. As for girls the nail industry has extremely benefitted them allowing them to experiment with different trends and designs of their own.

How To Shape Nails? Nail Shapes Guide to Style Your Nails – côte

As to the different designs that I keep on mentioning, they allow clients to portray a sense of their personality physically onto their body. Length wise goes from small, medium ,large, and even EXTRA LARGE. Nail techniques range from acrylics, nail gel, gel X, and the old fashioned nail polish on your natural nail. Decorations and designs on nails have an unlimited range, you can literally put anything you can think of on your nails as far as dollar bills, golden flakes, gemstones, glitter, lettering, and so much more. Believe it or not nail art has impacted individuals in various ways, giving many of them new self own jobs/careers. During the COVD- 19 pandemic when many people were  loosing their jobs, women branched out and created their own nail business’, allowing them to pursue their long dreamt career goal in the comfort of their own home. Maybe next time you get your nails done think about these new small business waiting to give you the service you need! In honor of easter coming up enjoy some cute easter designs!

50+ Cute Easter Nails Perfect For Your Festive Mani! - Prada & Pearls


3 thoughts on “Get A Manicure!

  1. mac8002 says:

    Nail art and creativity is such a fascinating topic for a post. I love how you connected it to history, art, culture, and science, from a somewhat anthropological perspective, but also she particularly expressed why people do things like get manicures in the first place.. I was particularly fascinated by the nail shape image. Your posts are so refreshing.

  2. acw5805 says:

    While I knew nail art had a history, I did not expect it to be seen in so many faucets of different cultures and countries. It was interesting to read how each individual culture historically used to celebrate nail art, versus how modern society currently indulges in similar practices. The photos you included also helped to visualize everything you were describing, making for an overall enjoyable read.

  3. lch5320 says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this post. I have always been a big nail painter but I guess I have never considered the history of this act and where it came from. This was so interesting to read about, and I thoroughly enjoyed your additional little comments weaved throughout it. I loved the cute little easter nails you included at the end. I wish I was talented enough to do those, I have so much respect for nail artists as their canvas is so tiny to work with and they are able to produce such works of art. One of my favorite things to study is celebrity nails where they are willing to drop thousands of dollars on a set of nails that they’ll keep on for a week or so. I could never imagine having those long long acrylic nails. I personally prefer to keep my nails short and ideally almond-shaped.

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