Is This Your New Home?

Picking a college that seems right for us has to be one of the most difficult decisions we have to make in our lifetime. It’s not just based on you liking the school itself and the programs it has to offer but outside factors also have to be incorporated. Taking into consideration whether there is diversity among the campus, the cultural environment surrounding it, or even just the weather. Racial diversity among higher education campuses is a big social factor that many individuals of color seem to bring more awareness to. A racially diverse campus and improvement among minority enrollment increase would be the start of change for the increase of diversity on higher education.

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Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Pacific Islanders are all examples of minority groups that have lack of representation when it comes to college campus population. Bringing into consideration not only students are lacking diversity but also faculty and staff. Many statistical rates have proven these minorities groups have more negative academic outcomes by the time statistics on graduation rates appear. “Colleges and universities have been reflections of existing racial and socioeconomic  inequalities  across society.” The spreading of diversity among campuses is advancing a a very slow rate with only 8% of these higher education facilities having somewhat of an equitable student body. “Institutions where black and hispanic segregation is worst these students are not likely to graduate with high paying degrees.” White people seem to be the vast majority of population within college campus student body’s and are also evenly spread out through all fields of study. Overall there needs to be more of a diverse campus available for all students and increase in all minority groups across all field studies. With a more diverse environment the improvement of opportunities and experiences for minority groups would change drastically.

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Not having much of a diverse environment has a profound negative impact on these minority groups because it really does not give them the same opportunity of equality and academic success. The benefits of having a more diverse campus not only impact students as they are navigating through their college experience but also impacts their future with career opportunities, social interactions, and cultural development. Overall it prepares us for societal interactions. This also helps on improving getting out of our comfort zone and becoming more comfortable interacting with individuals. A diverse campus really gives an overview of all the different cultural aspects that surround us, different points of view, and different lifestyles or experiences witnessed. Being a part of a campus that you really feel welcomed and included in improves your academics and a sense of “home”. A variety in minority inclusion and increase would allow more people of color to surpass their  success rates and achieve more than they set out to do career wise.

Overall higher education campuses do need improvement on their spread of diverseness for all minority groups. Awareness being brought upon this topic in any way possible also does make a difference. Keep in mind it is not just the educational facilities that need improvements towards disparity but we can contribute as well. Individually we can make new friends outside of our personal groups and become more inclusive, share our own experiences, and even listening and learning to what others have to say. As cheesy as it sounds it’s the little things that matter for anyone to feel welcomed through this big transition in life.



2 thoughts on “Is This Your New Home?

  1. I think perspective on diversity is subjective because a lot of people are used to their own homogeneity and must adapt to a new sort of homogeneity. At Penn State for example, there are ~65% white students, which is far less than Pennsylvania where there are almost 80% white residents. Compared to outside places, like California with ~35% white, 65% can seem like a vast reduction in diversity, but to Pennsylvanians, this is an increase. We all come from myriad places and have myriad experiences that shape our perspectives. There is always diversity, it just may be harder to see in an ocean of 40,000+ students who all claim that this diversity is different (better/worse, whatever they may say).

  2. I think that your statistic about student success in more diverse environments, or places in which students of color can’t find others like them is fascinating. I would’ve thought similarly, but it’s interesting to see it laid out here. You’re of course going to feel more comfortable as a person with a minority experience when you can talk about it with others like you. Your point about careers, and social opportunities also speaks to this.

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