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Journal Publications:

  1. L. T. Wedage, B. Butler, M. C. Vuran, S. Balasubramaniam, and C. Argyropoulos, “Antennas in Walls: Performance Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antennas Designed for Internet of Paint (IoP),” arXiv:2412.01452, under review, 2024.
  2. L. T. Wedage, M. C. Vuran, B. Butler, C. Argyropoulos, and S. Balasubramaniam, “Internet of Paint (IoP): Design, Challenges, Applications and Future Directions,” arXiv:2412.01501, under review, 2024.
  3. M. Dowran, U. Kilic, S. Lamichhane, A. Erickson, J. Barker, M. Schubert, S.-H. Liou, C. Argyropoulos*, and A. Laraoui*, “Plasmonic Nanocavity to Boost Single Photon Emission from Thin Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” Early View, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2400705, 2024. (*co-corresponding authors)
  4. A. Butler, A. Reicks, D. Alexander, G. Gogos, C. A. Zuhlke, and C. Argyropoulos, “Tailoring the Spectral and Directional Emissivity of Functionalized Laser Processed Surfaces,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 2237-2246, 2024.
  5. W. Zou, T. Guo, and C. Argyropoulos, “Ultrabroadband Coherent Perfect Absorption with Composite Graphene Metasurfaces,” Opt. Express, vol. 32, No. 19, pp. 32667-32679, 2024.
  6. U. Kılıç, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, A. Ruder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Controlling the broadband enhanced light chirality with L-shaped dielectric metamaterials,” Nature Communications, vol. 15, p. 3757, 2024. (press coverage by Penn State Engineering News, EurekAlert!, nanowerk, and
  7. B. J. Olohan, E. Petronijevic, U. Kilic, S. Wimer, M. Hilfiker, M. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, S. R. Clowes, G. Dan Pantoş, D. L. Andrews, V. K. Valev, “Chiroptical Second-Harmonic Tyndall Scattering from Silicon Nanohelices,” ACS Nano, vol. 18, No. 26, pp. 16766-16775, 2024. (selected for issue cover, press coverage by nanowerk, University of Bath, and
  8. U. Kılıç, Y. Traouli, M. Hilfiker, K. Bryant, S. Schoeche, R. Feder, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Nanocolumnar Metamaterial Platforms: Scaling rules for structural parameters revealed from optical anisotropy,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 12, No. 30, pp. 2302767, 2024. (selected for issue front cover)
  9. M. J. Brandsema, L. A Ross, S. Semone, N. Kalyanapuram, C. Argyropoulos, and S. K. Ozdemir, “Experimental progress using quantum binary waveforms and immediate idler detection techniques for remote sensing,” SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing Proceedings, vol. 13048, Radar Sensor Technology XXVIII, p. 130480L, 2024.
  10. L. Khosravi Khorashad, A. Reicks, A. Erickson, J. E. Shield, D. Alexander, A. Laraoui, G. Gogos, C. A. Zuhlke, and C. Argyropoulos, “Unraveling the formation dynamics of metallic femtosecond laser induced periodic surface structures,” Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 171, p. 110410, 2024.
  11. S. A. H. Gangaraj, B. Jin, C. Argyropoulos*, and F. Monticone*, “Enhanced nonlinear effects in drift-induced nonreciprocal graphene plasmonics,” ACS Photonics, vol. 10, No. 11, pp. 3858-3865, 2023. (*co-corresponding authors)
  12. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Hybrid Graphene-Plasmon Gratings,” Journal of Appl. Phys., vol. 134, No. 5, p. 050901, 2023. (invited perspective paper)
  13. A. Butler and C. Argyropoulos, “Broadband and Wide Angle Nonreciprocal Thermal Emission from Weyl Semimetal Structures,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 2122-2128, 2023. (selected as Editor’s Pick)
  14. M. Dowran, A. Butler, S. Lamichhane, A. D. Erickson, U. Kiliç, S.-H. Liou, C. Argyropoulos*, and A. Laraoui*, “Plasmon Enhanced Quantum Properties of Single Photon Emitters with Hybrid Hexagonal Boron Nitride Silver Nanocube Systems,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 11, No. 16, pp. 2300392, 2023. (*co-corresponding authors) (selected for issue back cover and press coverage by Nebraska Engineering News and
  15. A. Butler and C. Argyropoulos, “Exceptional points in parity-time symmetric plasmonic Huygens’ metasurfaces,” Opt. Mat. Express, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 447-457, 2023.
  16. A. Reicks, A. Butler, G. Gogos, J. Shield, C. Argyropoulos, and C. A. Zuhlke, “Directional broadband emissivity with fin-shaped microstructures produced via femtosecond Laser surface processing,” Proc. SPIE 12409, Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XVII, 124090E, 2023.
  17. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonreciprocal transmission of electromagnetic waves with nonlinear active plasmonic metasurfaces,” Physical Review B, vol. 106, pp. 235418, 2022.
  18. A. Butler, J. Schulz, and C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable Directional Filter for Mid-Infrared Optical Transmission Switching,” Opt. Express, vol. 30, No. 22, pp. 39716-39724, 2022.
  19. C. Argyropoulos, “Asymmetric control of light at the nanoscale,” Nat. Photonics, vol. 16, pp. 556-557, 2022. (invited paper, News and Views Article)
  20. N. Borys, C. Argyropoulos, and L. Ye, “Light and matter interactions: Recent advances in materials, theory, fabrication, and characterization,” APL Mater., vol. 10, p. 060401, 2022. (Editorial to the APL Materials Special Topic: Light and Matter Interactions)
  21. B. Krause, D. Mishra, J. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, and T. Hoang, “Nonlinear Strong Coupling by Second-Harmonic Generation Enhancement in Plasmonic Nanopatch Antennas,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 10, No. 16, p. 2200510, 2022.
  22. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Plasmonic Waveguides: Enhancing Quantum Electrodynamic Phenomena at Nanoscale,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 64, No. 3, p. 14-25, 2022. (invited review paper)
  23. L. Khosravi Khorashad and C. Argyropoulos, “Unraveling the temperature dynamics and hot electron generation in tunable gap-plasmon metasurface absorbers,” Nanophotonics, vol. 11, No. 17, pp. 4037-4052, 2022. (invited paper)
  24. A. Butler and C. Argyropoulos, “Mechanically Tunable Radiative Cooling for Adaptive Thermal Control,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 211, p. 118527, 2022.
  25. S. J. Bauman, A. A. Darweesh, M. Furr, M. Magee, C. Argyropoulos, and J. B. Herzog, “Tunable SERS Enhancement via Sub-nanometer Gap Metasurfaces,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 14, No 13, pp. 15541-15548, 2022.
  26. B. Jin, D. Mishra, and C. Argyropoulos, “Efficient Single-Photon Pair Generation by Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion in Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces,” Nanoscale, vol. 13, No. 47, pp. 19903-19914, 2021. (selected for issue cover and among Nanoscale Most Popular 2021 Articles)
  27. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Multiqubit entanglement and quantum phase gates with epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 119, pp. 211104, 2021(invited paper selected as Editor’s Pick)
  28. V. Iyer, Y. S. Phang, A. Butler, J. Chen, B. Lerner, C. Argyropoulos, T. Hoang, and B. Lawrie, “Near-field imaging of plasmonic nanopatch antennas with integrated semiconductor quantum dots,” APL Photonics, vol. 6, pp. 106103, 2021.
  29. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Recent advances in terahertz photonic technologies based on graphene and their applications,” Advanced Photonics Research, vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 2000168, 2021. (invited review paper)
  30. P. Sutter, J. S. French, L. Khosravi Khorashad, C. Argyropoulos, and E. Sutter, “Optoelectronics and Nanophotonics of Vapor-Liquid-Solid Grown GaSe van der Waals Nanoribbons,” Nano Lett., vol. 21, No. 10, pp. 4335-4342, 2021.
  31. U. Kiliç, M. Hilfiker, A. Ruder, R. Feder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Broadband Enhanced Chirality with Tunable Response in Hybrid Plasmonic Helical Metamaterials,” Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, No. 20, p. 2010329, 2021. (selected for issue cover)
  32. A. Reicks, A. Tsubaki, M. Anderson, J. Wieseler, L. Khosravi Khorashad, J. E. Shield, G. Gogos, D. Alexander, C. Argyropoulos*, and C. Zuhlke*, “Near-unity broadband omnidirectional emissivity via femtosecond laser surface processing,” Communications Materials, vol. 2, p. 36, 2021. (*co-corresponding authors)
  33. P. Sutter, L. Khosravi Khorashad, C. Argyropoulos, and E. Sutter, “Cathodoluminescence of Ultrathin Twisted Ge1–xSnxS van der Waals Nanoribbon Waveguides,” Advanced Materials, vol. 33, No. 3, p. 2006649, 2021.
  34. S. A. H. Gangaraj, B. Jin, C. Argyropoulos*, and F. Monticone*, “Broadband field enhancement and giant nonlinear effects in terminated unidirectional plasmonic waveguides,” Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 14, No. 5, p. 054061, 2020. (*co-corresponding authors)
  35. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable and broadband coherent perfect absorbers with nonlinear and amplification performance based on asymmetric bifacial graphene metasurfaces,” Journal of Optics, vol. 22, No. 8, p. 084003, 2020. (invited paper)
  36. N. Charchi, Y. Li, M. Huber, E. A. Kwizera, X. Huang, C. Argyropoulos*, and T. Hoang*, “Small mode volume plasmonic film-coupled nanostar resonators,” Nanoscale Advances, vol. 2, pp. 2397-2403, 2020. (*co-corresponding authors) (Selected to be included in the 2020 Nanoscale Advances HOT Article Collection)
  37. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Self-induced passive nonreciprocal transmission by nonlinear bifacial dielectric metasurfaces,” Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 13, No. 5, p. 054056, 2020.
  38. D. S. Khatri, Y. Li, J. Chen, A. E. Stocks, E. A. Kwizera, X. Huang, C. Argyropoulos*, and T. Hoang*, “Plasmonic random laser on an optical fiber tip,” Optics Express, vol. 28, No. 11, pp. 16417-16426, 2020. (*co-corresponding authors)
  39. M. Sun, Y. Li, B. Zhang, C. Argyropoulos, P. Sutter, and E. Sutter, “Plasmonic Effects on the Growth of Ag Nanocrystals in Solution,” Langmuir, vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 2044-2051, 2020.
  40. B. Jin, T. Guo, L. Zhu, P.-Y. Chen, and C. ArgyropoulosTunable THz generation and enhanced nonlinear effects with active and passive graphene hyperbolic metamaterials,” Proc. SPIE 11284, Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XXII, 1128412, 2020.
  41. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Strong self-induced nonreciprocal transmission by using nonlinear PT-symmetric epsilon-near-zero metamaterials,” Proc. SPIE 11289, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures X, 1128905, 2020.
  42. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonreciprocal Transmission in Nonlinear PT-Symmetric Metamaterials Using Epsilon-near-Zero Media Doped with Defects,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 7, No. 23, p. 1901083, 2019.  (press coverage by Nebraska Engineering News)
  43. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable and broadband coherent perfect absorption by ultrathin black phosphorus metasurfaces,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 2962-2971, 2019. (selected for Spotlight on Optics)
  44. Y. Li, A. Nemilentsau, and C. Argyropoulos, “Resonance Energy Transfer and Quantum Entanglement Mediated by Epsilon-Near-Zero and Other Plasmonic Waveguide Systems,” Nanoscale, vol. 11, pp. 14635-14647, 2019. (Selected to be included in the 2019 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection)
  45. F. Nicoli, T. Zhang, K. Hübner, B. Jin, F. Selbach, G. Acuna, C. Argyropoulos, T. Liedl, and M. Pilo-Pais, “DNA-Mediated Self-Assembly of Plasmonic Antennas with a Single Quantum Dot in the Hot-Spot,” Small, vol. 15, No. 26, p. 1804418, 2019.
  46. A. Salam, M. C. Vuran, X. Dong, C. Argyropoulos, and S. Irmak, “Underground Dipole Antennas for Communications in Internet of Underground Things,” IEEE Trans. On Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 3996-4009, 2019.
  47. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable nonlinear and active THz devices based on hybrid graphene metasurfaces,” Proc. SPIE 10982, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications XI, 109821E, 2019.
  48. T. Guo, B. Jin, and C. Argyropoulos, “Hybrid Graphene-Plasmonic Gratings to Achieve Enhanced Nonlinear Effects at Terahertz Frequencies,” Physical Review Applied, vol. 11, pp. 024050, 2019.
  49. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Exceptional points and spectral singularities in active epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides,” Physical Review B, vol. 99, pp. 075413, 2019.
  50. U. Kilic, A. Mock, R. Feder, D. Sekora, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos*, and M. Schubert*, “Tunable plasmonic resonances in Si-Au slanted columnar heterostructure thin films,” Scientific Reports, vol. 9, No. 71, 2019. (*co-corresponding authors)
  51. S. K. Patel, V. Sorathiya, T. Guo, and C. Argyropoulos, “Graphene-based directive optical leaky wave antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 61, pp. 153-157, 2019.
  52. T. Guo, L. Zhu, P.-Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable Terahertz Amplification Based on Photoexcited Active Graphene Hyperbolic Metamaterials [Invited],” Optics Materials Express, vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 3941-3952, 2018. (invited paper)
  53. A. Konda, A. Rau, M. A. Stoller, J. M. Taylor, A. Salam, G. A. Pribil, C. Argyropoulos, and S. A. Morin, “Soft Micro-reactors for the Deposition of Conductive Metallic Traces on Planar, Embossed, and Curved Surfaces,” Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 28, No. 40, p. 1803020, 2018. (press coverage by Nebraska TodayR&D magazine)
  54. B. Jin, T. Guo, and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear graphene metasurfaces with advanced electromagnetic functionalities,” Proc. SPIE 10722, Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XVI, 107221R, 2018.
  55. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides to enhance nonlinear coherent light-matter interactions,” Proc. SPIE 10721, Active Photonic Platforms X, 1072106, 2018.
  56. P. Sutter, C. Argyropoulos, and E. Sutter, “Germanium Sulfide Nano-Optics Probed by STEM-Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy,” Nano Lett., vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 4576-4583, 2018.
  57. A. D. Boardman, V. V. Grimalsky, T. Guo, B. Kibler, J. McNiff, I. Nefedov, Y. Rapoport, C. Argyropoulos, C. Valagiannopoulos, “Nonlinear waves in hyperbolic metamaterials: focus on solitons and rogues,” Proc. SPIE 10671, Metamaterials XI, 106710L, 2018.
  58. K. H. Shah, J. S. Sonagara, S. K. Patel, C. Argyropoulos, “Design of optical leaky wave antenna with circular and diamond Si perturbations for enhancing its performance,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 60, pp. 1395-1398, 2018.
  59. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable nonlinear coherent perfect absorption with epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides,” Optics Letters, vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 1806-1809, 2018. (Selected as Editor’s Pick)
  60. D. Doyle, N. Charipar, C. Argyropoulos, S. A. Trammell, R. Nita, J. Naciri, A. Piqué, B. Ratna, J. B. Herzog, and J. Fontana, “Tunable subnanometer gap plasmonic metasurfaces,” ACS Photonics, vol. 5, No. 3, pp 1012-1018, 2018. (press coverage by University of Arkansas)
  61. K. Perez-Toralla, A. Konda, J. J. Bowen, E. E. Jennings, C. Argyropoulos, and S. Morin, “Rational synthesis of large-area periodic chemical gradients for the manipulation of liquid droplets and gas bubbles,” Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 28, No 8, p. 1705564, 2018.
  62. S. K. Patel, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. P. Kosta, “Pattern controlled and frequency tunable microstrip antenna loaded with multiple split ring resonators,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 12, No 3, pp. 390-394, 2018.
  63. F. Monticone, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alu, “Optical Antennas: Controlling Electromagnetic Scattering, Radiation and Emission at the Nanoscale,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 59, No 6, pp. 43-61, 2017. (invited review paper)
  64. P. Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, M. Farhat, and J. S. Gomez, “Flatland Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Based on Graphene and Beyond,” Nanophotonics, vol. 6, No 6, pp. 1239-1262, 2017. (invited review paper)
  65. B. Jin, T. Guo, and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced third harmonic generation with graphene metasurfaces,” Journal of Optics, vol. 19, No 9, pp. 094005, 2017. (invited paper)
  66. P. Sutter, Y. Li, C. Argyropoulos, and E. Sutter, “In Situ Electron Microscopy of Plasmon Mediated Nanocrystal Synthesis,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 139, No. 19, pp 6771-6776, 2017. (selected for issue cover and spotlight)
  67. A. Monti and C. Argyropoulos, Editorial to the topical issue “Artificial materials for advanced applications in electromagnetics and mechanics,” EPJ Appl. Metamat., vol. 4, E1, 2017.
  68. S. K. Patel, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. P. Kosta, “Broadband compact microstrip patch antenna design loaded by multiple split ring resonator superstrate and substrate,” Waves in Random and Complex Media, vol. 27, No. 1, 92-102, 2017.
  69. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Broadband Polarizers Based on Graphene Metasurfaces,” Optics Letters, vol. 41, pp. 5592-5595, 2016.
  70. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Controlling collective spontaneous emission with plasmonic waveguides,” Optics Express, vol. 24, No. 23, pp. 26696-26708, 2016.
  71. G. M. Akselrod, M. C. Weidman, Y. Li, C. Argyropoulos, W. A. Tisdale, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Efficient Nanosecond Photoluminescence from Infrared PbS Quantum Dots Coupled to Plasmonic Nanoantennas”, ACS Photonics, vol. 3(10), pp. 1741-1746, 2016.
  72. E.-M. Roller, C. Argyropoulos, A. Högele, T. Liedl, and M. Pilo-Pais, “Plasmon–Exciton Coupling Using DNA Templates”, Nano Lett., vol. 16 (9), pp. 5962-5966, 2016.
  73. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced four-wave mixing with nonlinear plasmonic metasurfaces”, Scientific Reports, vol. 6, No. 28746, 2016.
  74. S. K. Patel and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced bandwidth and gain of compact microstrip antennas loaded with multiple corrugated split ring resonators”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 30, No. 7,  945-961, 2016.
  75. J. M. Taylor, C. Argyropoulos, and S. A. Morin, “Soft Surfaces for the Reversible Control of Thin-Film Microstructure and Optical Reflectance”, Advanced Materials, vol. 28, No. 13, 2595-2600, 2016. (press coverage by Phys.orgUNL
  76. S. K. Patel and C. Argyropoulos, “Plasmonic nanoantennas: enhancing light-matter interactions at the nanoscale”, EPJ Appl. Metamat., vol. 2, No. 4, 2015. (invited review paper)
  77. C. Argyropoulos and A. Monti, Editorial to the topical issue “Advanced Metamaterials in Microwaves, Optics and Mechanics”, EPJ Appl. Metamat., vol. 2, No. 1, 2015.
  78. Z. Huang, A. Baron, S. Larouche, C. Argyropoulos, and D. R. Smith, “Optical bistability with film-coupled metasurfaces”, Optics Letters, vol. 40, pp. 5638-5641, 2015.
  79. C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced transmission modulation based on dielectric metasurfaces loaded with graphene”, Optics Express, vol. 23, No. 18, pp. 23787-23797, 2015.
  80. P.-Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Enhanced Second-Harmonic Generation by Metasurface Nanomixer and Nanocavity”, ACS Photonics, vol. 2(8), pp. 1000–1006, 2015.
  81. N. M. Estakhri, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Graded metascreens to enable a new degree of nanoscale light management”, Philosophical Transactions Royal Society A, Special Issue on Spatial Transformations: from Fundamentals to Applications, vol. 373, pp. 20140351, 2015.  (invited paper)
  82. T. B. Hoang, G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, M. H. Mikkelsen, “Ultrafast spontaneous emission source using plasmonic nanoantennas”, Nature Communications, vol. 6, pp. 7788, 2015. (press coverage by IEEE SpectrumPhys.orgDuke University press releaseNanowerkGizmodoThe Register etc.)
  83. G. M. Akselrod, T. Ming, C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, Y. Lin, X. Ling, D. R. Smith, J. Kong, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Leveraging Nanocavity Harmonics for Control of Optical Processes in 2D Semiconductors”, Nano Lett., vol. 15 (5), pp. 3578–3584, 2015.
  84. G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, C. Ciracì, C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, M. H. Mikkelsen, “Probing the mechanisms of large Purcell enhancement in plasmonic nanoantennas”, Nature Photonics, vol. 8, pp. 835–840, 2014. (press coverage by Phys.orgDuke University press releaseNanowerkOptics and Photonics News,
  85. C. Ciracì, A. Rose, C. Argyropoulos, and D. R. Smith, “Numerical Studies of the Modification of Photodynamic Processes by Film-Coupled Plasmonic Nanoparticles”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., vol. 31, pp. 2601-2607, 2014.
  86. C. Argyropoulos, P.-Y. Chen, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Temporal soliton excitation in an ε-near-zero plasmonic metamaterial”, Optics Letters, vol. 39, pp. 5566-5569, 2014.    
  87. J. Lee, M. Tymchenko, C. Argyropoulos, P.-Y. Chen, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alù, and M. A. Belkin, “Giant nonlinear response from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband polaritons”, Nature, vol. 511, pp. 65–69, 2014. (press coverage by Phys.orgLaser Physics WorldDaily TexanUT Austin press releaseNanowerk)
  88. C. Argyropoulos, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Giant second harmonic generation efficiency and ideal phase matching with a double e-near-zero cross-slit metamaterial”, Physical Review B, vol. 89, pp. 235401, 2014.
  89.  C. Argyropoulos, “Electromagnetic Absorbers Based on Metamaterial and Plasmonic Devices”, Forum for Electromagnetic Research Methods and Application Technologies (FERMAT), vol. 2, No. 2, 2014. (invited review paper)
  90. C. Argyropoulos, F. Monticone, N. M. Estakhri, and A. Alù, “Tunable Plasmonic and Hyperbolic Metamaterials Based on Enhanced Nonlinear Response”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on Reconfigurable Electromagnetics through Metamaterials, vol. 2014, pp. 532634, 2014. (invited paper)
  91. C. Argyropoulos, C. Ciracì, and D. R. Smith, “Enhanced optical bistability with film-coupled plasmonic nanocubes”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, pp. 063108, 2014.
  92. P.-Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Broadening the Bandwidth of Metamaterial Cloaks with Non-Foster Metasurfaces”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 111, pp. 233001, 2013. (selected as Editors’ Suggestion, press coverage by BBC NewsPhys.orgTime Magazine, NBC NewsPopular MechanicsPhotonics SpectraMashableMaterials Views).
  93. C. Argyropoulos, F. Monticone, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Plasmonic nanoparticles and metasurfaces to realize Fano spectra at ultraviolet wavelengths”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, pp. 143113, 2013.
  94. C. Argyropoulos, N. M. Estakhri, F. Monticone, and A. Alù, “Negative refraction, gain and nonlinear effects in hyperbolic metamaterials”, Optics Express, Focus Issue on Hyperbolic Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications, vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 15037-15047, 2013. (invited paper)
  95. C. Argyropoulos, K. Q. Le, N. Mattiucci, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Broadband Absorbers and Selective Emitters based on Plasmonic Brewster Metasurfaces”, Physical Review B, vol. 87, pp. 205112, 2013.
  96. P.-Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “THz and Infrared Antenna Phase Shifters Using Integrally-Gated Graphene Transmission-Lines”, IEEE Trans. On Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 1528-1537, 2013. (press coverage by RF & Microwave Magazine)
  97. F. Monticone, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Multi-Layered Plasmonic Covers for Comb-Like Scattering Response and Optical Tagging”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 110, pp. 113901, 2013 (selected as Editors’ Suggestion).
  98. P.-Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Enhanced Nonlinearities Using Plasmonic Nanoantennas”, Nanophotonics, vol. 1, no. 3-4, pp. 221-233, 2012 (invited review paper).
  99. F. Monticone, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Layered plasmonic cloaks to tailor the optical scattering at the nanoscale”, Scientific Reports, vol. 2, No. 912, 2012.
  100. K. Q. Le, C. Argyropoulos, N. Mattiucci, G. D’Aguanno, M. J. Bloemer, and A. Alù “Broadband Brewster Transmission through 2D Metallic Gratings”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 112, pp. 094317, 2012.
  101. C. Argyropoulos, P. Y. Chen, and A. Alù, “Enhanced Nonlinear Effects in Metamaterials and Plasmonics,” Advanced Electromagnetics, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 46-51, 2012. (invited paper)
  102. K. Q. Le, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Plasmonic Brewster transmission in photonic gratings and crystals”, Proc. SPIE 8423, 842313, 2012. (invited paper)
  103. C. Argyropoulos, P.-Y. Chen, F. Monticone, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Nonlinear plasmonic cloaks to realize giant all-optical scattering switching”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, pp. 263905, 2012.
  104. G. D’Aguanno, N. Mattiucci, A. Alù, C. Argyropoulos, J.V. Foreman, and M.J. Bloemer, “Taming the thermal emissivity of metals: a metamaterial approach”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 100, pp. 201109, 2012.
  105. N. Mattiucci, G. D’Aguanno, A. Alù, C. Argyropoulos, J.V. Foreman, and M.J. Bloemer, “Thermal emission from a metamaterial wire medium slab”, Optics Express, vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 9784-9789, 2012.
  106. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Enhanced nonlinear effects in metamaterials and plasmonic materials“, Proc. SPIE 8269, 82690K, 2012. (invited paper)
  107. C. Argyropoulos, G. D’Aguanno, N. Mattiucci, N. Azobtek, M. J. Bloemer, and A. Alù, “Matching and Funneling Light at the Plasmonic Brewster Angle”, Physical Review B, vol. 85, pp. 024304, 2012.
  108. C. Argyropoulos, P.-Y. Chen, G. D’Aguanno, N. Engheta, and A. Alù, “Boosting Optical Nonlinearities in ε-Near-Zero Plasmonic Channels”, Physical Review B, vol. 85, pp. 045129, 2012.
  109. D. Bao, K. Z. Rajab, Y. Hao, E. Kallos, W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, Y. Piao, and S. Yang, “All-dielectric invisibility cloak made of BaTiO3-loaded polyurethane foam”, New Journal of Physics, vol. 13, pp. 103023, 2011.
  110. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Study of an optical nanolens with the parallel FDTD technique”, Radio Science, vol. 46, RS0E06, 2011. (invited paper)
  111. E. Kallos, C. Argyropoulos, Y. Hao, and A. Alù, “Comparison of frequency responses of cloaking devices under non-monochromatic illumination”, Physical Review B, vol. 84, pp. 045102, 2011.
  112. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Bandwidth evaluation of dispersive transformation electromagnetics based devices”, Appl. Phys. A, vol. 103, no. 3, 715-719, 2010. (invited paper)
  113. W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, W. Song, and Y. Hao, “Discrete Coordinate Transformation for Designing All-dielectric Flat Antennas’’, IEEE Trans. On Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 3795-3804, 2010.
  114. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “FDTD analysis of the optical black hole”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 2020-2025, 2010 (selected for Spotlight on Optics).
  115. D. Bao, E. Kallos, W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, Y. Hao, and T. J. Cui, “A Broadband Simplified Free Space Cloak Realized by Non-Magnetic Dielectric Cylinders”, Frontiers of  Physics in China (Springer), vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 319-323, 2010.
  116. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Dispersive cylindrical cloaks under nonmonochromatic illumination”, Physical Review E, vol. 81, pp. 016611, 2010.
  117. E. Kallos, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “Ground-plane quasicloaking for free space”, Physical Review A, vol. 79, pp. 063825, 2009.
  118. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, Y. Zhao and Y. Hao, “Manipulating the loss in electromagnetic cloaks for perfect wave absorption”, Optics Express, vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 8467-8475, 2009.
  119. C. Argyropoulos, Y. Zhao and Y. Hao, “A Radially-Dependent Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for the Evaluation of Electromagnetic Cloaks”, IEEE Trans. On Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 1432-1441, 2009.
  120. Y. Zhao, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “Full-wave finite-difference time-domain simulation of electromagnetic cloaking structures”, Optics Express, vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 6717-6730, 2008.

Book Chapters:

  1. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Engineered Graphene Nanostructures and Their Applications in the Terahertz Regime,” to appear in “Engineered Mediums: Overview and Applications” SPIE Press, USA, 2025.
  2. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Epsilon-Near-Zero Plasmonic Waveguides for Enhanced Coherent Optical Effects,” pp. 57-87, Chapter 3 in “Plasmon-enhanced light-matter interactions”, Springer Series in Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2022
  3. Q. Cui, C. Argyropoulos, and P. Y. Chen, “Plasmonic Antennas,” in “Encyclopedia of Modern Optics II,” X. Ni, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018.
  4. P.-Y. Chen, F. Monticone, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Plasmonic Optical Nanoantennas”, Chapter 4 in “Modern Plasmonics”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014.
  5. Y. Hao, C. Argyropoulos, and W. X. Tang, “FDTD Modelling of Transformation Electromagnetics Based Devices”, Chapter 13 in “Computational Electromagnetics-Recent Advances and Engineering Applications”, Springer, New York, 2014.
  6. P.-Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Optical Antennas and Enhanced Nonlinear Effects”, Chapter 13, “Rectenna Solar Cells”, Springer, New York, 2013.
  7. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, Y. Zhao, and Y. Hao, “FDTD Modeling of Electromagnetic Cloaks”, Chapter 7 in “Metamaterials Theory, Design, and Applications”, Springer, New York, 2009.
  8. C. Argyropoulos, Y. Hao and R. Mittra, Chapter 10 in “FDTD Modeling of Metamaterials, Theory and Applications”, Artech House, Boston, 2008.

Conference Presentations

  1. S. Semone and C. Argyropoulos, “Efficient Single Photon Sources Based on Quantum Metasurfaces,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium 2025, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15 – 20 June, 2025. (invited talk)
  2. C. Argyropoulos, “Nanophotonics to Engineer Light-Matter Interactions at the Nanoscale,” Graduate Seminar, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA, February 5, 2025. (invited seminar talk)
  3. C. Argyropoulos, U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, A. Ruder, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Tailored and broadband enhanced light chirality with dielectric metamaterials,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, 25 – 30 January, 2025. (invited talk)
  4. S. G. Kılıç, U. Kilic, M. Schubert, E. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “The Incorporation of Nanohelical Metamaterial Into 1D Photonic Topological Insulator System: A Route to the Generation of Strong Chiral Response,” AVS-70 International Symposium & Exhibition, Tampa, FL, USA, November 3-8, 2024.
  5. U. Kilic, C. Briley, R. Feder, D. Sekora, A. Mock, C. Binek, H. Schmidt, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, “Engineering the Hybrid Nanocolumnar Metamaterial Platforms for Advanced Optical and Magnetic Applications,” AVS-70 International Symposium & Exhibition, Tampa, FL, USA, November 3-8, 2024.
  6. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Spectrally Resolved Absorption Based Kuhn’s Dissymmetry Factor from Mueller Matrix Polarimetry,” AVS-70 International Symposium & Exhibition, Tampa, FL, USA, November 3-8, 2024.
  7. S. G. Kılıç, U. Kilic, M. Schubert, E. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Topologically protected edge states: Route to boost the chirality of nanohelical metamaterial platform, 28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference, Omaha, NE, USA, October 13-16, 2024.
  8. C. Argyropoulos, “Asymmetric control of light with nanophotonics,” EUPROMETA Doctoral School, Asymmetric effects in reciprocal and nonreciprocal metamaterials, Crete, Greece, September 13-14, 2024. (invited seminar talk)
  9. C. Argyropoulos, U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, A. Ruder, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “L-shaped Silicon Metamaterials with Tailored and Enhanced Broadband Chiral Response,” 18th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2024, Crete, Greece, September 9-12, 2024. (invited talk)
  10. C. Argyropoulos, “Efficient single photon emission mediated by quantum plasmonic metasurfaces,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA, August 18-22, 2024. (invited talk)
  11. C. Argyropoulos, M. Dowran, U. Kilic, S. Lamichhane, A. Erickson, S.-H. Liou, and A. Laraoui, “Efficient Single Photon Emission with Quantum Plasmonic Nanocavities,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Florence, Italy, July 14-19, 2024. (invited talk)
  12. C. Argyropoulos and M. J. Brandsema, “Nanophotonic metasurfaces for efficient quantum radar single-photon sources,” ISTP Summer Spotlight Webinar, University Park, PA, USA, June 4, 2024. (invited talk)
  13. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, A. Ruder, S. G. Kilic, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “The Broadband Enhanced Chirality Revealed by Broken L-Shape Metamaterial Platform,” CLEO 2024, Charlotte, NC, USA, May 5-10, 2024.
  14. A. Laraoui, M. Dowran, U. Kilic, S. Lamichhane, A. Erickson, S.-H. Liou, and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced Quantum Properties of Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Flakes Using Plasmonic Nanocavities,’’ 2024 MRS Spring Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, April 22-26, 2024.
  15. M. J. Brandsema, L. A Ross, S. Semone, N. Kalyanapuram, C. Argyropoulos, and S. K. Ozdemir, “Experimental progress using quantum binary waveforms and immediate idler detection techniques for remote sensing,” SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, National Harbor, MD, USA, April 21-25, 2024.
  16. M. Dowran, U. Kilic, J. Barker, S. Lamichhane, A. Erickson, S. Liou, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Laraoui, “Quantum properties of single photon emitters in thin hexagonal boron nitride flakes integrated with plasmonic nanocavities,’’ 2024 Nebraska Research and Innovation Conference: Quantum Sensing Challenges and Opportunities, Lincoln, NE, USA, March 14, 2024.
  17. U. Kilic, C. Briley, R. Feder, D. Sekora, A. Ullah, A. Mock, C. Binek, H. Schmidt, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, “Nanocolumnar Heterostructure Metamaterial Platforms for Advanced Magnetic and Optical Applications,” APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, MN, USA, March 4-8, 2024.
  18. U. Kilic, Y. Traouli, M. Hilfiker, K. Bryant, S. Schoeche, R. Feder, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Universal structural dependence of optical properties in 3D nanocolumnar metamaterial platforms,” APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, MN, USA, March 4-8, 2024.
  19. S. G. Kilic, U. Kilic, M. Schubert, E. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Tailoring nonreciprocal topological edge states with all-dielectric nonlinear metasurfaces,” APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, MN, USA, March 4-8, 2024.
  20. M. Dowran, U. Kilic, A. Butler, S. Lamichhane, A. D. Erickson, S.-H. Liou, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Laraoui, “Plasmonic Nanocavity Enhanced Quantum Properties of Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 27-February 1, 2024. (invited talk)
  21. S. Semone and C. Argyropoulos, “Efficient Sources of Entangled Single-Photon Pairs with Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, January 9-13, 2024. (invited talk)
  22. C. Argyropoulos, “Nanophotonics to Efficiently Control Light-Matter Interactions at the Nanoscale,” Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, November 20, 2023. (invited seminar talk)
  23. U. Kilic, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Spectroscopic ellipsometry based optical analysis of hybrid metamaterial platforms,’’ 12th Workshop on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (WSE), Prague, Czech Republic, September 19-21, 2023. (plenary talk).
  24. C. Argyropoulos, “Boosting Quantum Optical Effects with Plasmonic Metasurfaces and Metamaterials,” 17th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2023, Crete, Greece, September 11-16, 2023. (invited talk)
  25. A. Butler and C. Argyropoulos, “Exceptional Points in Plasmonic Huygens’ Metasurfaces,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Portland, OR, USA, July 23-28, 2023. (selected honorable mention in the student paper competition)
  26. C. Argyropoulos and L. Khosravi Khorashad, “Quantum Hot Electron Generation and Non-Equilibrium Temperature Dynamics in Metasurface Absorbers,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Portland, OR, USA, July 23-28, 2023. (invited talk)
  27. S. Kim, A. Mekawy, G. Xu, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “ Extending the Bandwidth of Electrically Small Antennas with Nonlinear Matching Networks,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Portland, OR, USA, July 23-28, 2023.
  28. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, A. Ruder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Bottom-up Fabricated Tunable Metamaterials Exhibiting Broadband Enhanced Chirality,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 10-14, 2023. (invited talk)
  29. M. Dowran, S. Lamichhane, A. D. Erickson, A. Butler, S.-H. Liou, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Laraoui, “Plasmon Enhanced Quantum Properties of Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Flakes,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 10-14, 2023.
  30. U. Kilic, S. Wimer, A. Ruder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Engineering the broadband enhanced chiral response of L-shaped metamaterials,” 2023 NRIC Conference on Topology and Valley Driven Quantum Phenomena, EQUATE Symposium, Lincoln, NE, USA, March 17, 2023.
  31. U. Kilic, Y. Traouli, M. Hilfiker, K. Bryant, S. Schoeche, R. Feder, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Unraveling the aspect-ratio driven evolution of anisotropic homogenization parameters of slanted columnar nanostructures from a wide variety of materials,” 2023 NRIC Conference on Topology and Valley Driven Quantum Phenomena, EQUATE Symposium, Lincoln, NE, USA, March 17, 2023.
  32. M. Kilic, U. Kilic, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonreciprocal topological edge states unveiled by all-dielectric metasurface platform,” 2023 NRIC Conference on Topology and Valley Driven Quantum Phenomena, EQUATE Symposium, Lincoln, NE, USA, March 17, 2023.
  33. J. B. Herzog, S. J. Bauman, A. A. Darweesh, M. Furr, M. Magee, and C. Argyropoulos, “Plasmonic angstrom-scale gap-dependent enhancement with gold nanosphere metasurfaces,” APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, NV, USA, March 5-10, 2023.
  34. A. Laraoui, M. Dowran, S. Lamichhane, A. D. Erickson, A. Butler, S.-H. Liou, and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhancement of Single Photon Emitters in hexagonal boron nitride multilayered flakes Via Plasmonic Resonance in metallic nanostructures,” APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, NV, USA, March 5-10, 2023.
  35. Krause, D. Mishra, J. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, and T. Hoang, “Nonlinear Strong Coupling by Second-Harmonic Generation Enhancement in Plasmonic Nanopatch Antennas,” APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, NV, USA, March 5-10, 2023.
  36. C. Argyropoulos, “Nanophotonics: a new frontier technology to efficiently control light at the nanoscale,” Light Lunch Seminar, ARL Electro-optics Division, University Park, PA, USA, March 1, 2023. (invited seminar talk)
  37. A. Reicks, A. Butler, G. Gogos, J. Shield, C. Argyropoulos, and C. A. Zuhlke, “Directional broadband emissivity with fin-shaped microstructures produced via femtosecond Laser surface processing,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 28-February 3, 2023.
  38. C. Argyropoulos, “Nanophotonics: a new frontier technology to efficiently control light at the nanoscale,” Penn State Spring 2023 EE Colloquia, University Park, PA, USA, January 20, 2023. (invited seminar talk)
  39. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, S. G. Kilic, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Unraveling the ultra-violet active chiroptical response by ZrO2 helical nanostructures,” AVS 68th International Symposium & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, November 6-11, 2022.
  40. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, A. Ruder, S. Wimer, S. G. Kilic, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Engineering the bi-signate broadband enhanced chirality revealed by all dielectric nanoboomerang structure,” AVS 68th International Symposium & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, November 6-11, 2022.
  41. C. Argyropoulos and L. Khosravi Khorashad, “Ultrafast Non-Equilibrium Temperature Dynamics of Gap-Plasmon Metasurface Absorbers,” 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2022, Siena, Italy, September 12-17, 2022. (invited talk)
  42. A. Butler and C. Argyropoulos, “Mechanically Tunable Broadband Omnidirectional Infrared Absorption by Dielectric Metasurfaces,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, July 10-15, 2022. (selected honorable mention in the student paper competition)
  43. D. Mishra and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces as Efficient Entangled Single-Photon Pair Quantum Sources,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, July 10-15, 2022. (invited talk) (selected honorable mention in the student paper competition)
  44. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Design, fabrication, and optical characterization of glancing angle deposited quantum metamaterials”, Humboldt meets Leibniz-Emerging Topics in Optics and Photonics, Hannover, Germany, June 12-14, 2022. (invited talk)
  45. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, A. Ruder, S. Wimer, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Extremely broadband plasmonic chiroptical activity revealed by heterostructure helical metamaterials,” 9th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Beijing, China, May 22-28, 2022. (invited talk)
  46. U. Kilic, S. G. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, G. Melendez, D. Sekora, A. Mock, N. Ianno, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “In-situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Based Real-Time Growth Monitoring of Metal-Oxide Atomic Layer Deposition Processes,” 48th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, USA, May 22-27, 2022.
  47. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, A. Ruder, S. Wimer, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Unraveling the Bisignate and Broadband Chiroptical Response from All-Dielectric Distorted L-Shape Metamaterials,” 48th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, USA, May 22-27, 2022.
  48. A. Reicks, A. Butler, G. Castejon-Cruz, G. Gogos, D. R. Alexander, C. Argyropoulos, and C. A. Zuhlke, “Directional Broadband Emissivity With Angled Microstructures Produced via Femtosecond Laser Surface Processing,” CLEO 2022, San Jose, CA, USA, May 15-20, 2022.
  49. C. Argyropoulos, “Emerging Light-Matter Interaction Effects with New Nanophotonic Structures,” Penn State University, Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA, USA, April 5, 2022. (invited seminar talk)
  50. C. Argyropoulos, “Nanophotonics to enhance emerging nanoscale light-matter interaction effects,” Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA, February 25, 2022. (invited seminar talk)
  51. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Hybrid helical metamaterials with tunable and enhanced chiral light-matter interactions,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 22-27, 2022. (invited talk)
  52. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced Quantum Optical Effects with Epsilon-Near-Zero Plasmonic Waveguides,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Singapore, December 4-10, 2021. (invited talk)
  53. U. Kilic, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable Broadband Enhanced Chirality with Hybrid Helical Metamaterials,” 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2021, New York, USA, September 20-25, 2021.
  54. S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, B. Jin, C. Argyropoulos, and F. Monticone, “Drift-Induced Nonreciprocal Hotspots and Enhanced Nonlinear Effects In Graphene,” 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2021, New York, USA, September 20-25, 2021.
  55. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, R. Feder, M. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and E. Schubert, “Spatially coherent helical and non-helical nano-heterostructures with tunable plasmonic response,” European Optical Society Annual meeting (EOSAM) 2021, Rome, Italy, September 13-17, 2021.
  56. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos, “Visible to Ultraviolet Enhanced and Tunable Broadband Chiral Response by Helical Metamaterials,” 2021 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Rome, Italy, August 28-September 4, 2021. (invited talk)
  57. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Robust Quantum Entanglement and Enhanced Resonance Energy Transfer by Epsilon-near-zero Plasmonic Waveguides,” 2021 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Rome, Italy, August 28-September 4, 2021.
  58. S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, B. Jin, C. Argyropoulos, and F. Monticone, “Nonreciprocity-Enhanced Nonlinear Wave-Matter Interactions,” 2021 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Rome, Italy, August 28-September 4, 2021. (invited talk)
  59. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonreciprocal Metasurfaces due to Enhanced Optical Nonlinear Effects,” 2021 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Rome, Italy, August 28-September 4, 2021.
  60. B. Jin, T. Guo, L. Zhu, P.-Y. Chen, and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced coherent amplification and nonlinear effects using tunable THz hyperbolic metamaterials based on active and passive graphene,” 2021 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 9-13, 2021. (invited talk)
  61. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Self-induced nonreciprocal transmission with optical nonlinear metamaterials,” 2021 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 9-13, 2021. (invited talk)
  62. L. Khosravi Khorashad, G. Gogos, D. R. Alexander, C. A. Zuhlke, and C. Argyropoulos, “Full-Wave Numerical Modeling of the Femtosecond Laser Surface Processing Formation Dynamics in Metals,” International High Power Laser Ablation Symposium, virtual conference, April 13-15, 2021.
  63. A. Reicks, M. Anderson, A. Tsubaki, J. Wieseler, S. Hansen, J. Shield, G. Gogos, D. R. Alexander, C. Argyropoulos, and C. A. Zuhlke “Near Perfect Hemispherical Emissivity Produced Using Femtosecond Laser Surface Processing,” International High Power Laser Ablation Symposium, virtual conference, April 13-15, 2021.
  64. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Bias-free self-induced nonreciprocal transmission based on ultrathin nonlinear dielectric metasurfaces,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 6-11, 2021. (invited talk)
  65. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Tailoring the chiro-optical response of Si-Ag/Au chiral heterostructure thin films fabricated by glancing angle deposition technique,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 6-11, 2021.
  66. D. Mishra, L. Khosravi Khorashad, and C. Argyropoulos, “Theoretical Modeling of High Power Electromagnetic Waves Interacting with Plasmonic Materials and Nanostructures,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 4-9, 2021. (invited talk)
  67. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Passive and bias-free nonreciprocal transmission based on nonlinear asymmetric dielectric metasurfaces,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 4-9, 2021.
  68. S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, B. Jin, C. Argyropoulos, and F. Monticone, “Broadband-enhanced nonlinear harmonic generation in terminated unidirectional plasmonic waveguides,” 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2020, New York, USA, September 28-October 3, 2020.
  69. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear PT-Symmetric Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials to Achieve Strong Self-Induced Nonreciprocal Transmission,” 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2020, New York, USA, September 28-October 3, 2020.
  70. S. G. Kiliç, U. Kiliç, Y. Zhu, Q. Sheng, C. Argyropoulos, M. N. Incia, and M. Han, “Fiber Bragg Grating Fabry-Perot Interferometer in Multicore Fiber for Refractive Index Measurements,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA, August 24-28, 2020.
  71. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonreciprocal transmission based on self-induced nonlinear effects in bifacial dielectric metasurfaces,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 5-10, 2020.
  72. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides to achieve multi-qubit quantum entanglement,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 5-10, 2020.
  73. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear and Amplification Response with Asymmetric Graphene-based Coherent Perfect Absorbers,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 5-10, 2020. (selected honorable mention in the student paper competition)
  74. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Robust Self-Induced Nonreciprocal Transmission in Nonlinear PT-Symmetric Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials,” CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 10-15, 2020.
  75. L. Khosravi Khorashad, D. Mishra, and C. Argyropoulos, “Theoretical and computational study of the hot electron ultrafast dynamics in localized gap plasmon metasurfaces,” Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies (“EQUATE”) symposium, UNL, Lincoln, NE, USA, March 26-27, 2020.
  76. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Epsilon-near-zero plasmonic nanowaveguides to achieve efficient resonance energy transfer and quantum entanglement,” Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies (“EQUATE”) symposium, UNL, Lincoln, NE, USA, March 26-27, 2020.
  77. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Tailoring the chiro-optical response of Si-Ag/Au chiral heterostructure thin films fabricated by glancing angle deposition technique,” APS March Meeting 2020, Denver, CO, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
  78. D. S. Khatri, J. Chen, Y. Li, E. A. Kwizera, X. Huang, C. Argyropoulos, and T. B. Hoang, “Plasmon Assisted Coherent Random Lasing,” APS March Meeting 2020, Denver, CO, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
  79. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Epsilon-near-zero plasmonic nanowaveguides to achieve efficient resonance energy transfer and quantum entanglement,” APS March Meeting 2020, Denver, CO, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
  80. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Strong nonreciprocal transmission self-induced by nonlinear PT-symmetric metamaterials,” APS March Meeting 2020, Denver, CO, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
  81. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Tunable Giant Chiro-Optical Response in Spatially Coherent Super Lattice Type Helical Metamaterias,” Inaugural COE Graduate Student Symposium, Lincoln, NE, USA, February 21, 2020.
  82. T. Guo, B. Jin, L. Zhu, P.-Y. Chen, and C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable THz generation and enhanced nonlinear effects with active and passive graphene hyperbolic metamaterials,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 1-6, 2020. (invited talk)
  83. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Strong self-induced nonreciprocal transmission by using nonlinear PT-symmetric epsilon-near-zero metamaterials,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 1-6, 2020.
  84. U. Kilic, A. Mock, R. Feder, D. Sekora, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry & Finite Element Modeling Based Optical Characterization of Highly Coherent Au-Si Slanted Columnar Periodic Nanostructures,” AVS 66th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM & EXHIBITION 2019, Columbus, OH, USA, October 20-25, 2019.
  85. C. Argyropoulos and Y. Li, “Active epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides to achieve exceptional points and light amplification at the nanoscale,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA, August 11-15, 2019. (invited talk)
  86. E. O’Leary and C. Argyropoulos, “Time and Frequency Domain Modeling of Thermo-Plasmonic Effects,” 2019 NNCI REU Convocation Hosted by Cornell NanoScale Facility, Ithaca, NY, USA, August 10-13, 2019.
  87. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Polarization-Independent and Broadband THz Coherent Perfect Absorber based on Black Phosphorus Bifacial Metasurfaces,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, July 7-12, 2019.(selected finalist in the student paper competition)
  88. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Slow light at the nanoscale based on active epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, July 7-12, 2019.
  89. U. Kilic, A. Mock, R. Feder, D. Sekora, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Opto-plasmonic Properties of Spatially Coherent Superlattice-type Si-Au Slanted Columnar Heterostructure Thin Films,” 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Barcelona, Spain, May 26-31, 2019.
  90. U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, R. Feder, D. Sekora, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Unraveling the dynamics of circular dichroism in highly-coherent Si-Au nano-plasmonic chiral heterostructures,” 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Barcelona, Spain, May 26-31, 2019.
  91. U. Kilic, A. Mock, R. Feder, D. Sekora, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Tailoring the Optical Properties of Highly Porous Superlattice-type Si-Au Slanted Columnar Heterostructure Thin Films,” 46th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, May 19-24, 2019.
  92. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Nanophotonic Exceptional Points and Quantum Entanglement by Epsilon-Near-Zero Plasmonic Waveguides,” UNL Research Fair 2019, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 15, 2019.
  93. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Coherent perfect absorbers with new plasmonic metasurface designs based on graphene and black phosphorus,” UNL Research Fair 2019, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 15, 2019.
  94. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Self-induced nonreciprocal transmission with optical nonlinear systems,” UNL Research Fair 2019, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 15, 2019.
  95. C. Argyropoulos, T. Guo, and B. Jin, “Tunable nonlinear, nonreciprocal, and active THz devices based on graphene metasurfaces,” SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, Baltimore, MD, USA, April 14-18, 2019. (invited talk)
  96. Y. Adhikari, T. B. Hoang, Y. Li, and C. Argyropoulos, “Control of radiative processes using periodic arrays of plasmonic nanostructures,” APS March Meeting 2019, Boston, MA, USA, March 4-8, 2019.
  97. C. Argyropoulos, “Modeling macroscale to nanoscale devices with advanced computational electromagnetics,” University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA, October 26, 2018. (invited seminar talk)
  98. U. Kilic, A. Mock, R. Feder, D. Sekora, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert, “Tailoring the optical properties of highly coherent Au-Si nano-bamboo plasmonic resonators,” AVS 65th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM & EXHIBITION 2018, Long Beach, CA, October 21-26, 2018.
  99. C. Argyropoulos, T. Guo, and B. Jin, “Graphene metasurfaces as a new platform to achieve tunable nonlinear and nonreciprocal responses at THz frequencies,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 19-23, 2018. (invited talk)
  100. C. Argyropoulos and Y. Li, “Epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides to enhance coherent and nonlinear light-matter interactions,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 19-23, 2018.
  101. C. Argyropoulos, B. Jin, and T. Guo, “Nonlinear and non-reciprocal THz metasurfaces based on 2D materials,” Fundamental and Applied NanoElectroMagnetics II: THz circuits, materials, devices, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Minsk, Belarus, June 5-7, 2018. (invited talk)
  102. C. Argyropoulos, “Metamaterials and metasurfaces as a new frontier in interdisciplinary material research,” University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, May 17, 2018. (invited seminar talk)
  103. A. D. Boardman, B. Kibler, J. McNiff, I. Nefedov, Y. G. Rapoport, T. Shevchenko, C. Valagiannopoulos, and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear waves in hyperbolic metamaterials with a focus on solitons and rogues,” SPIE Photonics Europe 2018, Strasbourg, France, April 22-26, 2018. (invited talk)
  104. T. Guo, B. Jin, and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced nonlinear effects with graphene metasurfaces and hybrid graphene-plasmonic gratings,” UNL Research Fair 2018, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 10-11, 2018.
  105. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Epsilon-Near-Zero Plasmonic Waveguides for Enhanced Coherent Optical Effects,” UNL Research Fair 2018, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 10-11, 2018.
  106. U. Kilic, A. Mock, R. Feder, D. Sekora, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and Mathias Schubert, “Tailoring the optical properties of highly coherent Au-Si nano-bamboo plasmonic resonators,” UNL Research Fair 2018, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 10-11, 2018.
  107. D. Doyle, N. Charipar, C. Argyropoulos, S. A. Trammell, R. Nita, J. Naciri, A. Piqué, B. Ratna, J. B. Herzog, and Jake Fontana, “Tunable subnanometer gap plasmonics using 2D superlattices of ligand capped gold nanospheres,” APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 5-9, 2018.
  108. Shobhit K. Patel, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. P. Kosta, “Broadband and High Gain Multiband Patch Antenna Designs Using Corrugated Split Ring Resonators,” PIERS 2017, Singapore, 19-22 November, 2017.
  109. C. Argyropoulos, “Plasmonic metasurfaces and metamaterials to boost light-matter interactions at the nanoscale,” Nano Institute Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA, November 8, 2017. (invited seminar talk/SPIE Visiting Lecturer program)
  110. C. Argyropoulos, “Plasmonic metasurfaces and nanoantennas: an ideal platform to boost nanoscale light-matter interactions,” AMOP Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA, September 27, 2017. (invited seminar talk)
  111. C. Argyropoulos, “PLASMONIC NANOANTENNAS AS A NANOSCALE PLATFORM TO ENHANCE LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTIONS,” 2017 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Montreal, Canada, August 19-26, 2017. (invited talk)
  112. C. Argyropoulos and T. Guo, “Optical Modulation with Tunable Hybrid Metasurfaces,” 2017 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Montreal, Canada, August 19-26, 2017.
  113. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Superradiance and PT symmetry with plasmonic waveguides,” META 2017, the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Incheon-Seoul, South Korea, July 25-28, 2017. (invited talk)
  114. M. Pilo-Pais, F. Nicoli, C. Argyropoulos, A. Högele, and T. Liedl, “DNA-mediated self-assembly of plasmonic nanocavities,” META 2017, the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Incheon-Seoul, South Korea, July 25-28, 2017. (invited talk)
  115. C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear and tunable hybrid metasurfaces and nanoantennas,” Air Force Research Laboratory – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, USA, July 13, 2017. (invited seminar talk)
  116. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Graphene-based terahertz polarization converters,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, July 9-14, 2017.
  117. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “PT-symmetric epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, July 9-14, 2017.
  118. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear graphene metasurface to enhance third harmonic generation at terahertz frequencies,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, July 9-14, 2017.
  119. D. L. Sounas, T. Guo, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Magnet-free Non-reciprocal Graphene Metasurfaces at THz Frequencies,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, July 9-14, 2017.
  120. S. K. Patel, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. P. Kosta, “Broadband Multiband Patch Antenna Designs using Corrugated Split Ring Resonators,” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, July 9-14, 2017.
  121. M. Pilo-Pais, F. Nicoli, A. Högele, B. Jin, C. Argyropoulos, and T. Liedl, “Zig-Zag metallic nanoparticle chains self-assembled using DNA-templates,” Plasmonica 2017, Lecce, Italy, July 5-7, 2017.
  122. C. J. Otolski, C. Argyropoulos, and C. G. Elles, “NONLINEAR PHOTOCHROMIC SWITCHING IN THE PLASMONIC FIELD OF A NANOPARTICLE ARRAY” International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Urbana, IL, USA, June 19-23, 2017.
  123. C. Argyropoulos, “History of metamaterials and their applications,” TOPFOT/EEOF 2017, Neuquén, Argentina, April 24-27, 2017. (invited seminar talk/OSA Traveling Lecturer program)
  124. C. Argyropoulos, “Plasmonic and Nanophotonic Devices,” TOPFOT/EEOF 2017, Neuquén, Argentina, April 24-27, 2017. (invited seminar talk/OSA Traveling Lecturer program)
  125. C. Argyropoulos, “Energy harvesting devices using plasmonics and nanophotonics,” TOPFOT/EEOF 2017, Neuquén, Argentina, April 24-27, 2017. (invited seminar talk/OSA Traveling Lecturer program)
  126. C. Argyropoulos, “Metamaterials: a new frontier in interdisciplinary material research,” Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 12, 2017. (invited seminar talk)
  127. C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable nanophotonic devices based on hybrid metasurfaces and nanoantennas,” U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA, April 6, 2017. (invited seminar talk)
  128. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Ultrathin THz polarizers and lasers based on graphene,” UNL Research Fair 2017, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 4-5, 2017.
  129. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced Photoluminescence from Infrared PbS Quantum Dots Coupled to Plasmonic Nanoantennas,” UNL Research Fair 2017, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 4-5, 2017.
  130. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced frequency conversion at optical and terahertz frequencies based on nonlinear plasmonic metasurfaces,” UNL Research Fair 2017, Lincoln, NE, USA, April 4-5, 2017.
  131. B. Jin, T. Guo, and C. Argyropoulos, ‘‘Nonlinear graphene metasurfaces with new electromagnetic functionalities,” NSF EPSCoR, Symposium on Ultrafast Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Nanostructures, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA, March 31, 2017.
  132. C. J. Otolski, C. Argyropoulos, and C. G. Elles, “Nonlinear photochromic switching in the plasmonic field of a nanoparticle array,” NSF EPSCoR, Symposium on Ultrafast Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Nanostructures, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA, March 31, 2017.
  133. B. Jin, T. Guo, and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear graphene metasurfaces with enhanced electromagnetic functionalities,” Novel Optical Materials Workshop, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, USA, March 13-17, 2017. (invited presentation)
  134. M. Pilo-Pais, E.-M. Roller, C. Argyropoulos, A. Högele, and T. Liedl, “Plasmon-Exciton Coupling Using DNA Templates,” APS March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 13-17, 2017.
  135. B. Jin and C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces to Enhance Four-Wave Mixing,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, January 4-7, 2017.
  136. Y. Li and C. Argyropoulos, “Superradiance, subradiance and PT-symmetry with plasmonic nanochannels,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, January 4-7, 2017.
  137. T. Guo and C. Argyropoulos, “Graphene metasurfaces to design broadband polarizers and non-reciprocal devices,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, January 4-7, 2017.
  138. T. Guo, B. Jin, and C. Argyropoulos, “Modeling and designing graphene metasurfaces with new electromagnetic functionalities,” Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Optics Workshop, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, USA, December 13, 2016.
  139. C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced nonlinear and quantum effects with plasmonic metasurfaces and nanoantennas,” University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, USA, December 12, 2016. (invited seminar talk)
  140. E.-M. Roller, C. Argyropoulos, A. Högele, T. Liedl, and M. Pilo-Pais, “Plasmon-Exciton Interactions Using DNA Templates,” 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics – Metamaterials 2016, Crete, Greece, September 17-22, 2016.
  141. C. Argyropoulos and Y. Li, “Quantum Superradiant and Subradiant Modes in Plasmonic Nanochannels,” EMTS 2016, URSI Commission B, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, August 14-18, 2016, Espoo, Finland.
  142. C. Argyropoulos, “Hybrid Graphene Metasurfaces to Control Electromagnetic Radiation,” META 2016, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga, Spain, July 25-28, 2016. (invited talk)
  143. C. Argyropoulos, “Electro-Optical Transmission Modulators with Hybrid Graphene/Dielectric Metasurfaces” IEEE AP-S/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June 26 – July 1, 2016.
  144. C. Argyropoulos, “Strong light-matter interactions with plasmonic and dielectric optical metamaterials,” CMIP Plasmonics Workshop, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, June 14-15, 2016. (invited talk)
  145. E.-M. Roller, C. Argyropoulos, A. Högele, T. Liedl, and M. Pilo-Pais, “Plasmon-Exciton Interactions Using DNA Templates,” 13th Annual Conference on FOUNDATIONS OF NANOSCIENCE: SELF-ASSEMBLED ARCHITECTURES AND DEVICES (FNANO 16), Snowbird Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, UT, USA, April 11-14, 2016.
  146. Jay M. Taylor, C. Argyropoulos, Stephen A. Morin, “Inorganic Thin-Film Coatings of Elastomeric Polymers for Materials with Mechanically Switchable Optical Properties,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, March 28 – April 1, 2016.
  147. C. Argyropoulos, “Strong light-matter interactions at the nanoscale with nanoantennas and metasurfaces,” Kansas University, Lawrence, KS, USA, April 1, 2016. (invited seminar talk)
  148. C. Argyropoulos, “Hybrid graphene/dielectric metasurfaces for enhanced transmission modulation,” APS March Meeting 2016, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 14-18, 2016.
  149. C. Argyropoulos, ‘‘Using COMSOL to simulate light-matter interactions at the nanoscale,” COMSOL Multiphysics Workshop in Lincoln, User talk, Lincoln, NE, USA, October 21, 2015. (invited talk)
  150. C. Argyropoulos, ‘‘Enhanced Optical Nonlinear Effects with Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterial Gratings,” OSA Nonlinear Metamaterials Incubator Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, September 30 – October 2, 2015. (invited presentation)
  151. C. Argyropoulos, ‘‘Nanoantennas and metasurfaces to enhance light-matter interactions at nanoscale,” NSF, EPSCoR, Symposium on Ultrafast Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Nanostructures, Lincoln, NE, USA, September 29, 2015.
  152. C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable Transmission with Hybrid Graphene/All-Dielectric Metamaterials,” META 2015, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, New York, NY, USA, August 4-7, 2015.
  153. G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, C. Ciracì, C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Large Purcell Enhancement Using Plasmonic Nanopatch Antennas,” META 2015, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, New York, NY, USA, August 4-7, 2015. (invited talk)
  154. Z. Huang, A. Baron, S. Larouche, C. Argyropoulos, and D. R. Smith, “Optical Bistability of Film-Coupled Nanocubes,” Metamaterials Science and Technology Workshop, UCSD, San Diego, CA, USA, July 20-22, 2015.
  155. C. Argyropoulos, G. M. Akselrod, C. Ciracì, T. B. Hoang, C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Directional Plasmonic Nanoantennas to enhance the Purcell Effect,” USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 18-25, 2015.
  156. F. Monticone, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “MIMO Optical Wireless at the Nanoscale,” USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 18-25, 2015.
  157. C. Argyropoulos, “Nanoantennas and metasurfaces to enhance light-matter interactions at nanoscale,” Extra Colloquium, FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 29, 2015. (invited seminar talk)
  158. G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, C. Ciracì, C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Plasmonic Nanopatch Antennas for Large Purcell Enhancement”, CLEO 2015, San Jose, CA, USA, May 10-15, 2015.
  159. C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable Absorption Based on Plasmonic Nanostructures Loaded with Graphene,” ACES 2015, 31st International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 22-26, 2015, Williamsburg, VA, USA. (invited talk)
  160. C. Argyropoulos, G. M. Akselrod, C. Ciracì, T. B. Hoang, M. H. Mikkelsen, and D. R. Smith, “Accurate modeling of photodynamic processes enhanced by plasmonic nanoantennas,” APS March Meeting 2015, San Antonio, TX, USA, March 2-6, 2015.
  161. G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, C. Ciracì, C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Purcell factors exceeding 1,000 in directional and efficient plasmonic nanoantennas,” APS March Meeting 2015, San Antonio, TX, USA, March 2-6, 2015.
  162. T. B. Hoang, G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Controlling spontaneous emission rates of quantum dots with plasmonic nanopatch antennas,” APS March Meeting 2015, San Antonio, TX, USA, March 2-6, 2015.
  163. T. B. Hoang, G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, C. Ciracì , D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Control of radiative processes of molecules and quantum dots using plasmonic structures,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 7-12, 2015.
  164. G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, C. Ciracì, C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen,, “Strongly Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions Using Colloidally Synthesized Plasmonic Nanoantennas,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, December 1-5, 2014.
  165. C. Argyropoulos, “Μετα-υλικά και νανοφωτονικές διατάξεις: νέες πλατφόρμες για τον αποτελεσματικό έλεγχο της ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας,” (in Greek) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 24, 2014. (invited seminar talk)
  166. C. Argyropoulos, “Μετα-υλικά και νανοφωτονικές διατάξεις: νέες πλατφόρμες για τον αποτελεσματικό έλεγχο της ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας,” (in Greek) National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, November 21, 2014. (invited seminar talk)
  167. C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced Purcell and Nonlinear Optical Processes with Plasmonic Nanoantennas,” Lehrstuhlseminar, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, November 19, 2014. (invited seminar talk)
  168. C. Argyropoulos, “Plasmonic nanoantennas and metasurfaces for enhanced light matter interactions at the nanoscale,” Antennas Guest Speaker Seminar, Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK, November 17, 2014. (invited seminar talk)
  169. C. Argyropoulos, “Metamaterials, metasurfaces and plasmonic devices to efficiently control the electromagnetic waves,” EECS Fall 2014 Seminar Series & IEEE AP/MTT Technical meeting, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA, October 28, 2014. (invited seminar talk)
  170. C. Argyropoulos, “Enhanced Purcell Factor and Optical Nonlinear Effects Using Plasmonic Patch Nanoantennas,” IEEE Seminar, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, October 10, 2014. (invited seminar)
  171. J. Lee, C. Argyropoulos, P. Y. Chen, M. Tymchenko, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M. C. Amann, A. Alù, and M. A. Belkin, “Giant Nonlinear Response from Plasmonic Metasurfaces Coupled to Intersubband Polaritons,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 17-21, 2014. (invited talk)
  172. C. Argyropoulos, C. Ciracì, and D. R. Smith, “Enhanced tunability and optical nonlinearity with film-coupled plasmonic nanoantennas,” Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonics: Manipulating Light Matter Interaction at the Nanoscale, Sunday River Resort, Newry, ME, USA, July 6-11, 2014.
  173. G. M. Akselrod, C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, C. Ciracì , C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen, “Probing and controlling large Purcell enhancement in plasmonic nanoantennas,” Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonics: Manipulating Light Matter Interaction at the Nanoscale, Sunday River Resort, Newry, ME, USA, July 6-11, 2014.
  174. J. Lee, C. Argyropoulos, P.-Y. Chen, M. Tymchenko, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alù, and M. A. Belkin, “Giant nonlinear response from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions”,CLEO 2014, San Jose, CA, USA, June 8-13, 2014.
  175. C. Argyropoulos, C. Ciracì, and D. R. Smith, “Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Effects with Extremely Coupled Plasmonic Systems,” META 2014, the 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Singapore, May 20-23, 2014.
  176. C. Argyropoulos, “Tunable and nonlinear film-coupled plasmonic nanoantennas,” Materials Meet Metamaterials, AFOSR Workshop, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, April 24, 2014.
  177. C. Ciracì, C. Argyropoulos, and D. R. Smith, “Nonlocal optical response dramatically enhances third-order nonlinear electrodynamics of plasmonic nanostructures,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 21-25, 2014. (invited talk)
  178. C. Argyropoulos, “Metamaterial and plasmonic devices to efficiently control the electromagnetic radiation,” University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA, March 14, 2014. (invited seminar)
  179. C. Argyropoulos, C. Ciracì, and D. R. Smith, “Enhanced nonlinear optical processes with film-coupled plasmonic nanoantennas,” APS March Meeting 2014, Denver, CO, USA, March 3-7, 2014. (post-deadline abstract)
  180. C. Argyropoulos, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Nonlinear Optical Effects in Epsilon-Near-Zero Plasmonic Waveguides and Metamaterials,” Frontiers in Optics 2013, Orlando, FL, USA, October 6-10, 2013.
  181. J. Lee, P.-Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, A. Alùand M. A. Belkin, “Metamaterials based on intersubband polaritons,” 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Bordeaux, France, September 16-21, 2013.
  182. C. Argyropoulos, G. D’Aguanno, and A. Alù, “Temporal Soliton Propagation and Second Harmonic Generation in Epsilon Near-Zero Plasmonic Waveguides,” USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, July 7-12, 2013.
  183. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Nonlinear and Active Hyperbolic Metamaterials,” USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, July 7-12, 2013.
  184. C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear nanophotonic devices and ultrabroadband light absorbers,” University of York, York, UK, April 2, 2013. (invited talk)
  185. C. Argyropoulos, “Metamaterial devices to efficiently tailor electromagnetic waves,” Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Plasmonics,” Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, March 26, 2013. (invited presentation)
  186. C. Argyropoulos, “Nonlinear plasmonic devices and ultrabroadband light concentrators, absorbers,” Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, February 8, 2013. (invited seminar)
  187. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Ultra-Broadband Absorption in Metallic Gratings at the ‘Plasmonic Brewster Angle’,” USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, January 9-12, 2013.
  188. A. Alù, C. Argyropoulos, P. Y. Chen, F. Monticone, N. M. Estakhri, Y. Zhao “Nanoantenna Arrays to Tailor Absorption, Polarization and Nonlinear Effects,” NANOMETA 2013, Seefeld, Austria, January 3-6, 2013. (invited talk)
  189. C. Argyropoulos, G. D’Aguanno, N. Mattiucci, M. J. Bloemer, and A. Alù, “Ultra-Broadband Matching and Funneling of Light at the Plasmonic Brewster Angle,” Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, October 14-18, 2012.
  190. G. D’Aguanno, N. Mattiucci, A. Alù, C. Argyropoulos, J. V. Foreman, and M. J. Bloemer, “Metamaterials for Thermal Emission,” Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, October 14-18, 2012.
  191. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Broadband Selective Thermal Emitters and Absorbers Based on Brewster Plasmonic Funneling,” 6th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 17-22, 2012.
  192. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Overcoming the Bandwidth Limitations of Optical Nanoparticles and Metamaterials Using Nonlinearities,” USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, July 8-14, 2012.
  193. A. Alù, C. Argyropoulos, G. D’Aguanno, N. Mattiucci, N. Akozbek, and M. J. Bloemer, “Focusing of Ultra-Broadband Radiation in Subwavelength Slits at the ‘Plasmonic Brewster Angle,” USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, July 8-14, 2012.
  194. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Enhanced Nonlinearities and Improved Bandwidth Performance for Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Metamaterial Gratings,” Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonics: Light Matter Interaction at the Nanoscale, Colby College, ME, USA, June 10-15, 2012.
  195. A. Alù, F. Monticone, and C. Argyropoulos, “Multilayered Plasmonic Cloaks to Engineer Scattering, Absorption and Emission Spectra of Nanoparticles for Sensing and Energy Applications,” European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2012, Strasbourg, France, May 14-18, 2012. (invited talk)
  196. C. Argyropoulos, F. Monticone, and A. Alù, ‘‘Plasmonic Composite Nanoparticles to Engineer the Optical Scattering Spectra,’’ CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, May 6-11, 2012.
  197. A. Alù, C. Argyropoulos, and P. Y. Chen, “Enhanced Nonlinear Effects in Metamaterials and Plasmonics,” META 2012, Paris, France, April 19-22, 2012. (invited talk)
  198. A. Alù, C. Argyropoulos, and K. Q. Le, “Plasmonic Brewster Angle for Broadband Absorption, Enhanced Nonlinearities and Directional Emitters,” SPIE Photonics Europe 2012, Brussels, Belgium, April 16-20, 2012. (invited talk)
  199. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Enhanced Nonlinear Effects in Metamaterials and Plasmonic Materials,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 21-26, 2012. (invited talk)
  200. C. Argyropoulos, and A. Alù, “Plasmonic Metamaterials for Energy Squeezing and Enhanced Optical Response,” ONR MURI on Optical Metamaterials, 1st Annual Review MeetingPhiladelphia, PA, USA, October 27-28, 2011.
  201. C. Argyropoulos, A. Alù, G. D’Aguanno, N. Mattiucci, and M. J. Bloemer, “Brewster angle for plasmonic gratings,” 5th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Barcelona, Spain, October 10-15, 2011.
  202. D. Bao, W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos and Y. Hao, “A broadband carpet cloak realized by dielectric cylinders,” 5th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Barcelona, Spain, October 10-15, 2011.
  203. W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Investigation of Broadband Flat Antennas Using Transformation Electromagnetics,”PIERS 2011, September 12-16, 2011, Suzhou, China.
  204. D. Bao, W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos and Y. Hao, “Experimental Verification of Carpet Cloak Realized with Dielectric Cylinders,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, July 3-8, 2011, Spokane, Washington, USA.
  205. A. Alù, P. Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, “Metamaterial Cloaking Using Passive Metamaterials and Metasurfaces,” Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Minisymposium on Cloaking, May 23-27, 2011, College Station, TX, USA. (invited talk)
  206. C. Argyropoulos, A. Alù, G. D’Aguanno, N. Mattiucci, and M. J. Bloemer, “Plasmonic Brewster Angle: Broadband Extraordinary Transmission Through Optical Gratings,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe 2011), May 22-26, 2011, Munich, Germany.
  207. C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “PARALLEL FDTD MODELING OF THE SPHERICAL OPTICAL BLACK HOLE,” CEM 2011Eighth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, April 11-14, 2011, Wroclaw, Poland.
  208. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Study of the Optical Black Hole with the FDTD Method,” ACES 201127th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 27-31, 2011, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.
  209. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, A. Rahman, and Y. Hao, “Study of an Optical Metallic Nanolens with a Parallel FDTD Technique,” EMTS 2010International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, August 16-19, 2010, Berlin, Germany.
  210. W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, D. Bao, W. Song, and Y. Hao, “Flat devices design for antenna systems using coordinate transformation,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, July 11-17, 2010, Toronto, Canada.
  211. E. Kallos, C. Argyropoulos, Y. Hao and, A. Alù, “Frequency Response of Plasmonic Cloaking Devices under Non-Monochromatic Illumination,” CNC/USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, July 11-17, 2010, Toronto, Canada.
  212. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “FDTD Modelling of Transformation Electromagnetic Based Devices,’’ Days on Diffraction 2010, June 08-11, 2010, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. (invited talk)
  213. C. Argyropoulos, A. Rahman, and Y. Hao, “Accurate and efficient FDTD modeling of plasmonic structures,” Theo Murphy International Scientific Meeting on Metallic Metamaterials and Plasmonics, June 2-3, 2010, The Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK.
  214. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, A. Rahman, and Y. Hao, “Parallel FDTD Study of Plasmonic Nanolens,” Plasmonics UK, Institute of Physics, May 10, 2010, London, UK.
  215. D. Bao, E. Kallos, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “A Broadband Simplified Cloak Realized by Non-Magnetic Dielectric Cylinders,” EuCAP 2010, April 12-16, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  216. W. Tang, C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Discrete Transformation Electromagnetics and Its Applications in Antenna Design,” iWAT 2010, March 1-3, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
  217. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Bandwidth of transformation electromagnetic based devices,” META’10, International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic crystals and Plasmonics, Cairo, Egypt, February 22-25, 2010.
  218. D. Bao, C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Properties and Applications of Periodic Dielectric Particles as Tunable-Index Materials,” Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference 2009, 16-17 November 2009, Loughborough, UK.
  219. E. Kallos, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “Simplified Directional Ground-Plane Cloaks,” International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, September 14-18, 2009, Torino, Italy.
  220. C. Argyropoulos, ‘‘CST Modelling of the Ground Cloak,” CST Workshop at Metamaterials 2009, User talk, London, UK, September 1-4, 2009. (invited talk)
  221. Y. Hao, E. Kallos, and C. Argyropoulos, “Dispersive and Bandwidth Effects using Non-monochromatic Pulses for Ground-Plane Quasi-Cloaks,” 3rd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, London, UK, September 1-4, 2009. (invited talk)
  222. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Characterisation of Electromagnetic Cylindrical Cloaks,” 3rd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, London, UK, September 1-4, 2009.
  223. E. Kallos, W. Song, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations of Approximate Ground-Plane Cloaks,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, June 1-5, 2009, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
  224. C. Argyropoulos, E. Kallos, and Y. Hao, “Examining the Limitations of Ideal Cylindrical Cloaks Through Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, June 1-5, 2009, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
  225. C. Argyropoulos, Y. Zhao, and Y. Hao, “Characterization of Microwave Absorber based on Transformation Electromagnetics,” iWAT 2009, March 2-4, 2009, Santa Monica, California, USA.
  226. Y. Hao, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Zhao, “A Radial-Dependent Dispersive FDTD Method for Modeling of Electromagnetic Cloaks ,” 2nd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Pamplona, Spain , September 21-26, 2008. (invited talk)
  227. C. Argyropoulos, Y. Zhao, and Y. Hao, “A Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for the Evaluation of Electromagnetic Cloaks,” 2nd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Pamplona, Spain , September 21-26, 2008.
  228. Y. Zhao, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Electromagnetic Cloaking Devices,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 5-12 July 2008, San Diego, USA.
  229. Y. Zhao, C. Argyropoulos, and Y. Hao, “Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Electromagnetic Cloaking Devices,” Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference 2008, 17-18 March 2008, Loughborough, UK.


  1. E. Kallos, G. Palikaras, A. Alu, C. Argyropoulos, “Tapered Optical Waveguide Coupled to Plasmonic Grating Structure,” US Patent, US No. 2016/0093760 A1, 2016.
  2. A. Reicks, C. Zuhlke, A. Tsubaki, C. Argyropoulos, G. Gogos, M. Anderson, and D. Alexander, “LASER SURFACE PROCESSING SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PRODUCING NEAR PERFECT HEMISPHERICAL EMISSIVITY IN METALLIC SURFACES,” Patent Application No. 2022/0143748 A1, 2022.
  3. C. Zuhlke, A. Reicks, C. Argyropoulos, A. Butler, G. Gogos, and D. Alexander, “DIRECTIONAL BROADBAND EMISSIVITY WITH ANGLED MICROSTRUCTURES PRODUCED BY LASER SURFACE PROCESSING (LSP),” Patent Publication No. US-2024-0139865-A1, 2024.