Hey there! Welcome to my fitness blog, where I will become your free, yet virtual, personal trainer. Yes, you read that correctly, in this blog, I will post weekly workouts that will target a specific region of the body. . . but wait! Before you run for the hills in fear of this being a Bootcamp where I will push you through grueling exercises, tell you not to eat sweets, and force you to “slim down”, I’ll have you know that I am not that kind of trainer.
My name is Ashley Richardson, I am currently a freshman at Penn State University. I am majoring in Kinesiology in hopes to become a sports medicine physician since exercise, fitness, and overall wellbeing are huge passions of mine. Ever since I was a little girl, eager to race every kid on the playground and see who could do the most pull-ups on the monkey bars, I knew that physical activity would be a major aspect of my life. This led me to where I am now, having been a track athlete for nearly 10 years, and now being a track athlete at my university.
I say all this to make the point that although I may not be a certified trainer, I feel like I have the upper hand on many people who are licensed in this field because I value the importance of helping people achieve THEIR dream bodies, rather than what society has deemed to be the ideal fit body. With that being said, I will use this blog to somewhat fulfill my dream of being an actual personal trainer, as I create a safe space for you all to take your pick from a variety of different workout sets to exercise the areas you desire. I have had many years of being trained by amazing, credible coaches, so a lot of the exercises that will appear on this site will come from what I have earned over the years, as well as some additional research. The workouts posted on this blog will include exercises and techniques that will either slim down certain body parts, create muscle definition, or even help you with bulking up if you are looking to put on muscle and gain weight. These will include workouts that you can do in the gym, at the park, or even in the comfort of your own home.
The variety that this fitness blog must provide will surely land you with at least one workout routine that suits you. It may be a simple morning stretch routine that you will commit to daily, or even a high-intensity interval training routine that targets the abs or back muscles. Whatever it may be that you take a liking to, will increase your fitness in one way or another, and if I can make that happen, then my goals for this blog will be fulfilled completely! The best part about it all is that you get to chose how you want your body to look, and which exercises you want to do to achieve that look. I am ecstatic about leading you in your journey, so stay tuned!
I really love your enthusiasm on the blog and how it relates back to your major. I also appreciate how the workouts can be done in both the gym and at home since some may not feel comfortable going to a gym. Looking forward to future posts.
Hey, I really like the idea behind this blog. I’m personally trying to gain muscle mass, shed a bit of fat, and improve my stamina but I’ve found that it’s very difficult for me to commit for long periods of time because once I skip one day because of an assignment or something else comes up, it becomes a slippery slope and I end up back where I started.