5.3.1 Design Concept

For this project, I really wanted to do an Andy Warhol inspired design of my puppy Poppy. I was inspired by a piece in the Hall of Fame and I loved the various colors and the way she incorporated her grid into the work. I’ve always enjoyed Pop Art, and I especially enjoy Andy Warhol’s work.

This is the image of Poppy that I was considering choosing.

This is an image from my cell phone that I converted into a JPEG to show here. I was thinking with my skills learned in Photography 100, that I could color correct it and add to it in Lightroom Classic, and export it as a TIFF to work with in Photoshop. I’m not sure if that will work, though. I am planning on using a 3 row by 4 column grid system to create a homage to Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe works. I plan to use the colorization tools and layer effects to simulate a similar look to the Marilyn work. Project 5 Composition.

These are the composition sketches I did to figure out how I wanted to use the image of Poppy in the piece. I ended up being stuck between the left top and the left bottom. I think I want the her face to be featured a little more than the body, so I think the latter would be my choice.

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