3.1.2 Canon Elements; Final

I was technically supposed to have three canon elements finished, but due to the circumstances I found myself in last week, I was only able to finish two. One was finished prior and the other was finished after. I was tasked with working on the Mad Doctor, the Politician (Jerry), and the Mad Doctors Laboratory. I only was able to get the flat colors finished, and I’m not proud of that fact, but I hope to do the shading in the coming week. The mad doctor’s laboratory will also be finished next week.

For the mad doctor, his prosthetic arm was the trickiest part. I think I got it ok, but I definitely think it could be better. I do remember the suggestion of seeing more of the inner workings, but I didn’t have the time to conceptualize that change, and I really had to move on with the other canon elements I had to do.

The Mad Doctor Ver A and Ver New

The politician was easier. He is a very straightforward design. Basically a 1920’s politician. One of the writers had asked me to look that up and emulate the look, so I did so to the best of my abilities. I wasn’t sure about colors, but the writers have been giving us stylistic liberty with that. I may change his outfit to a more earth colored or sepia range of hues.

The Politician


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