3.2.3 Story Elements Final

For my final story element, it was really about finishing the final pages and everything like the typography and coloring. I did the final inks, but Taran did the grayscale and Kaela and Theo did the typography. It was really a group effort to get this comic done by the Friday deadline, and I swear I didn’t sleep til it was done. I started off with the inks and it was a bit of a bear since the roughs Taran had done were not polished at all, so I had to do a lot of shenanigans to give more polish and some poses I even had to throw out completely. After that, we stressed to Taran to ask us anything and anything that’s unclear. He did very well on the grayscale coloring, which made me quite happy.

The typography was a little… squishy. I think I may reiterate to Kaela when we begin working on the continuation, that we don’t have to have a wall of text to describe every little thing. Let the images do the description for themselves. I believe in our narrative, there was a little too much “tell” and not enough “show” and I think that was both on the artistic side AND the writing side.

Here is the final comic.

Being Human - Am Gobhainn-Stailinn_v2_Page_1

Being Human - Am Gobhainn-Stailinn_v2_Page_2

Being Human - Am Gobhainn-Stailinn_v2_Page_3

Being Human - Am Gobhainn-Stailinn_v2_Page_4

Being Human - Am Gobhainn-Stailinn_v2_Page_5

Works Cited:

Cromar, William. “narrativeArtsStoryElementsFinal”. newMedia Wiki. 2022. http://newmediawiki.pbworks.com/w/page/149527992/narrativeArtsStoryElementsFinal Accessed December 1st, 2022.

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