For the synthesis of this project, I started with referencing the rigs into the master scene. This was where the problems began. The main problem was the rigs came in way too small. They were about the size of a pin in relation to the scene. So in the original rigged documents we scaled them up. To my dismay, whenever I made a change to the original rigged document, the rigs themselves would disappear. Somehow the reference wasn’t working properly. The only rig that would stay correct in the document after re-referencing was the squash deformer rig, so I decided to work with that rig.
I have a playblast of the final animation. It didn’t turn out how I wanted to at all, but my computer was running out of memory for the project and it was causing my computer to chug. I decided to compromise as I was running out of time. I feel that this project ended as more of a work in progress than anything else.
I feel that some of the things I like about this animation are the bunny’s rotating turns as she looks around. I don’t like how the bounce’s squash and stretch turned out. And somewhat the bounce too. Also the slowness of the bunny was not optimal for me as well, and she runs off screen too fast at the end. If I could go back and fix these things, I’d definitely try to.
Despite trying very hard with the background, this is how it came out. It looks very odd, but it was proving hard to fix. The lower hanging fruit was to just have a background, so I left it as is.
Again you have that weird little spot with the tree panorama. I didn’t know what was causing it, nor how to fix it sadly. I even tried to mess with it in the UV editor, but I think it was a problem with the panorama itself. I definitely do not think this is my best work, but I feel that I tried my absolute best with it.