10/27 RCL Blog

I narrowed down my topic ideas for my paradigm shift paper/TED-Talk to dating simply because it is something that as a female college student I have seen truly shift over the years. 




My first source is one by “Mic” on how each first date has looked over the course of the past century. In the early 1900s, women were often set up in an arranged marriage by their parents. They would then be put in a room with their suitor and the man and woman would be chaperoned as they spoke until a proposal was in agreement between the two. This source analyzes how it goes from this to modern day hook-up culture. Over the course of time it seems to go from no romance (more of an economical prophecy), to romance shown with flowers and women being housewives, to modern day hookups for any sexual orientation via an app or website. 




My second source is from “History” on an article on the surroundings of 1940s and 50s dating culture. In Fact by the 1950s, men and women were averaging at 23 and 20 as the average age of marriage. When dating in this time period, men were expected to pick up the girl, meet her parents, and then take her out. This is when “going steady” first emerged in which female teens only went on dates with one man at a time rather than go on multiple dates with different suitors as their parents had in years past. 




My third source is on how colleges have shaped how dating culture has evolved. In the 1920s, more men and women were going to unsupervised universities for the first time. Then in 1978 the movie “Animal House” portrayed the normalcy or partying, premarital sex and other once “sins” as a normal part of college life. But has this grown toxic? Many students are saying that non exclusive relationships, hookups, and so forth are more popular than the usual two person relationship. 


With these sources and maybe a couple others that I find along the way, I’m hoping to successfully portray how dating culture has evolved over the decades. Its changed for the good as it is more progressive for women, same sex couples, and for the most part have become an equal 50/50 relationship. However, I also want to bring in how hookup culture has made the dating scene quite toxic in which chivalry is slowly dwindling. Also, I want to bring in the biggest difference which is that people are starting to date to simply be in a relationship whereas in the past people dated to marry (and did so at a very young age and in a short period of time). 

Patch-Work and a PSA

Jeans have been a staple wardrobe piece for years. They’ve gone through certain eras of types with flare jeans, bootcut, low-rise, mom jeans, high waisted, skinny jeans, and so forth. But like all of the other quirky trends that have emerged in 2020, jeans have followed suit with a new type commonly called “patch-work”. Unlike most of the other trends of jeans where they’re made for the “every-man” and are so popular that every closet or dresser has one tucked in it, these jeans are definitely not that case. For jeans, which are very basic and common pants, these are verging on high fashion and take a very bold person to wear them.


I personally do not own a pair (yet) but am considering the more basic, less intimidating pair. Patch-work jeans come in many different styles and colors sold by many different types of fashion businesses. The more high fashion ones as previously mentioned come in bright colors such as pink and purple, or blue and green. Each piece of denim is then sewn in squares and rectangles to look rather distressed. The simpler versions however are either the same pattern but with navy denim, or are basic jeans but with little designs/patches sewn over the top.


One of the best places to look right now for a more unique pair would be Etsy where private vendors sell these jeans that they’ve either sewn by hand or up-cycled from an old pair. Up-cycling is a new idea that’s becoming more apparent in the fashion industry that encourages the reuse and recycling of old articles of clothing. This discriminates fast fashion, large carbon emissions, and so forth. Fast fashion is a topic that I’ve wanted to discreetly bring and shame in my blog because it is such an important topic when discussing fashion. Fast fashion is a term used to describe inexpensive designs that are quickly transferred from factories to stores. This typically includes the exploitation of child labor and is terrible for the environment because of its transportation methods. Victoria’s Secret, H&M, Zara, and more are all fast fashion companies to avoid as a little PSA from myself. If you are interested in up-cycling clothing you can easily go to a local thrift store and add your own twist to something with some scissors and thread. However if that sounds intimidating (which it does to me) you can go onto Depop or Etsy and buy from a private seller who specializes in up-cycling.




Pastel Patchwork Denim Boyfriend Jeans


RCL 10/21



The TED Talk that I linked above is titled “What Adults Can Learn From Kids” presented by Adora Svitak who in this talk, was only 12 years old. She starts off discussing her opinion on the word “childish” and demeaning it to be used as an insult of inferiority to adults. Svitak showcases the disasters created by adults and the good brought by children and simply asks for adults to start to listen to people younger than them as a teacher/student relationship of sorts. She also talks about her own problems dealing with adults and how her age has been a burden and a barrier to accomplish simple things like publishing a book because they’re meant for adults. In the end, Svitak is able to tell of how she overcame her difficulties and is now a published author and speaker to many (both adults and children) as an advocate for literacy. This was the first TED Talk I’ve ever seen executed by a person under 30 but contains just as much sophistication and class as someone that age. Her humor and small insults made both the audience and I pay more attention because it draws you into trusting her and what she’s saying.



Paradigm Shift Ideas:

I currently have four different ideas as topics for my paradigm shift paper. These are in short cosmetic surgery, dating, comedy, and horror movies. 


  1. Cosmetic surgery over the years has become more and more apparent in both men and women. I don’t want to necessarily focus on plastic surgery, but rather the certain kind where you choose to have the procedure out of wanting to improve one’s physical appearance. This would be executed through researching what types people used to get done and how they have changed into new insecurities or if they are now opposite from the past.
  2. Dating too has changed drastically with chivalry and romance slowly dwindling from the dating scene. Men used to ask women out in person and with flowers but now it’s through Tinder, Snapchat, and “hook-up” culture is much more apparent than having an actual relationship nowadays. There are also people in “throuples” or couples with more than 2 people. How has dating culture evolved? And when did these differences become accepted?
  3. Comedy is one topic that I was toying around with that pertains mainly towards what a generation finds humorous now vs in the past. How do comedy shows look different? Are they darker now? Less sexist? Are more comedians men or women then and now? Why?
  4. Horror movies are the topic I’m leaning most towards at the moment just because I do love them and I’ve always been interested in film. With this topic I would want to research how they have evolved from fictional characters to more realistic story plots. From older movies with Frankenstein or Dracula to new movies with possessed people or true stories of haunted houses (like The Conjuring). Why have they changed and how is what I would want to research through this topic overall.


Sophisticated Style

In past blogs I’ve discussed and analyzed specific articles of clothing that are trending. For example, a leather jacket, platform sneakers, and so forth that all are independently their own trend. This week however I’m taking a bit of a different track to look at a new outfit that many are dressing in this fall. Collared shirts underneath sweatshirts. Yes, I am aware of how odd this sounds. These two clothing articles are polar opposites of class vs comfort seen in the business world vs home and other places of leisure. 


Also unlike my past trends that are only seen on predominantly women, this outfit is in fact gender neutral. I actually first saw this style choice on a male while out to dinner a couple of months ago. Men typically match the top with khakis or jeans whereas women have been styling it with jeans, leggings, and my favorite skirts. Pennsylvania is a bit cooler but back home in Colorado my go to fall outfit was a long sleeve top with a skirt because it wasn’t quite cool enough for bottoms like jeans or leggings, but was still cold enough to need some coverage. 


The collared shirt is typically a white bottom up and the sweatshirt is just about always a crew neck (a hoodie would hide the collar and make the outfit a bit messy). Now if you don’t own a collared shirt fashion companies have caught onto this trend and have simplified the outfit into simply sewing a white collar onto the neck of the sweatshirt creating the same illusion but without having to wear two individual shirts. Another alternative would be a little secret shared by teens and young adults who attended private schools with uniform requirements. The girls and boys often would order “fake collars” which is basically a little piece of fabric with a few buttons, a collar, and a tie to knot it about your chest to keep it in place. 


Either way you execute it, this outfit is both cheap and easy to accomplish while looking much more fashionable than wearing a simple sweatshirt. I personally have yet to actually wear this outfit (mainly because I do not own a collared shirt) but am now considering ordering on of the fake ones off of Amazon as it would be VERY easy to pair with one of the 15 or so crewnecks hiding in my closet.



Image Sources:



How To Dress Like an E-Boy

Bringing Leather Back

Trends in fashion depend on a number of things: whether they’re an article of clothing or an accessory, who its being marketed towards, color, size, and most importantly material. In the United States recently Americans have taken in comfort into their wardrobe choices but this year we have also adapted a long lived fashion trend from Europe… Leather. 


The majority of my family actually lives in Europe with my cousins ranging in ages between 8 and 21. While visiting last summer, I was persuaded by the three Swiss teenagers to invest in a black leather jacket. Although my debit card whimpered a bit, it turned out to be one of the best investments for my personal fashion. It adds a bit of sophistication and edge to any outfit and is actually much warmer than it looks.

Me (right) in my leather jacket

Leather can be seen in both accessories and articles of clothing thus broadening its market and heightening its number of sales. It can be seen as a material used for hand bags, jackets, shoes, pants, and so forth. Typically all but the purses and shoes are made out of a fake leather material due to its high price. Those jackets that are made out of real leather are typically marketed at a price of at least $200 depending on the brand. 


Burnished Leather Moto Jacket by Ralph Lauren listed for $495

For the last year before I left for State College in August, I had worked as a sales associate at Ralph Lauren. The store typically had a turnover every season to change out old outdated clothing and exchange it for new ones. Typically Ralph Lauren relies on its high class, Americana type of style but last winter in about December, all of a sudden they had switched the usual jean jackets for leather jackets, something that’s not typically seen in a Polo store. There were two different variations, a slimmer shorter one in the women’s department in both brown and black leather, and a larger bulky black one in the mens department. Both were just under $500 and one of the only pieces in the store than contained 3 different security tags around the jacket.

I think that one of the best things about fashion is its shared ideas over all different countries tying them together as one. Leather is most definitely old fashioned with its popularity for men in the 50’s but has now evolved into something for all genders and origins.

RCL Speech Feedback

The following are positive feedback that I had received from my group members surrounding the quality and execution of my RCL Speech…

  • Well rounded
  • Claims backed by good resources
  • Made serious but also informative
  • Images displayed captured audiences attention
  • Arguments are clear and easy to follow
  • Voice and delivery of the speech are easy to listen to and make audience wanting more
  • Didn’t rush while speaking
  • Powerpoint and background made it easier for audience to comprehend
  • Rhetorical devices were clearly explained

Overall I really appreciated these comments and will definitely continue to use resources, images, slowed speaking, and so forth when giving a speech. In the past I have always struggled with speaking too fast or slurring my words so I was glad to hear that I have fixed this habit.


The critiques given by my classmates to improve my speech consist of the following….

  • Long pauses between slides
  • Speech was a little long
  • Go into kairos a bit more
  • Show more emotion

Especially with such a dark topic, I definitely understand the need to show more emotion when speaking especially during a persuasive speech. The biggest thing that all of my group noted was my pauses between slides. In the future I think I would put all of my note cards on a single paper so that I’m not flipping between them while also changing my slides on my presentation.