Living in Linen

From the personal opinions and experiences with the fashion trends I write about in my blog, it’s pretty obvious that these stem from a pretty intense shopping addiction… Trust me, I am very aware of this and how bad it is for my bank account but in return I work an absurd amount of hours to fuel this lifestyle. So, after I wrote last week’s blog on swimsuits, I started looking at Pinterest for more predictions for summer trends. Immediately I came across one that I fell in love with and spent a good bit on a few pieces from one of my favorite online clothing retailers, “ASOS”. 


This trend is linen fashion. Linen is a really odd concept for a material for clothing so I was a bit skeptical not owning anything of this material prior. One thing that I ordered was a pair of green linen shorts. I’m not a huge fan of jean shorts since to me they just feel very “middle school” and immature so I think this will be a perfect alternative. I also purchased a beige colored short sleeve linen shirt that I think would look really cute paired with a bandeau underneath or I could even use it as a swimsuit cover up.  Either way I think both are going to be a great addition to my wardrobe and I am crossing my fingers that they look as good in person as they did on the site. 



The best part of this new trend is since it’s a material, it can be used on most articles of clothing. There are shorts, shirts, tank tops, skirts, and even dresses all sewn in linen on various sites. On Pinterest you can click on one of the pictures and it will usually take you to an outside link that is either where it is sold, or a blog similar to mine on the article of clothing. Although I bought mine from “ASOS” a vast majority of this fashion trend is being sold off of “Etsy”. “Etsy” is a really cool site because all of the things sold are from private businesses. Typically clothing on here is handmade and because so, is extra pricy. However, like I’ve talked about in past blog posts, this is a great way to support businesses that are against fast fashion. Linen is also a super sustainable material, so this trend is great for the environment especially with all of the boutiques selling it on Etsy. 


I can’t wait to see how the items I purchased look and if they’re actually flattering or not. I cannot wait for summer and see more trends emerge for the upcoming season over the next couple of weeks. I think linen is going to set the popularity of simplicity and monochrome colors as a theme for this year but we will see if this prediction pans out.

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  1. Holly Gibbard April 8, 2021 at 6:07 pm

    I am pretty sure I own a pair of shorts that are linen (they might not be I am not positive), and my two complaints are that they don’t stretch and I always sweat through them haha. So if you don’t sweat a lot and they fit perfectly then this material is good. Maybe it’s just the brand I bought them from.

  2. Juliana Kline April 8, 2021 at 7:18 pm

    I think that linen looks so much more comfortable than demin and I might have to get a pair of shorts. I am concerned after reading Holly’s comment though because I sweat a lot in the summer especially living in southern VA, so that is definitely something to think about. But, I like the overall look of them

  3. I own a pair of those shorts as well, they are very in stlye right now and I thik they are super flattering. I love reading your blog and keeping up with all the latest fashion trends!

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