RCL Post 3/17

I will address exigence for this issue brief by comparing schools that have implemented metal detectors into the security of their schools with those that haven’t and the consequences on both sides. By including statistics of school shootings (and proving that they are rising) I can further implement the urgency that comes with my topic. I think that this will provide a kairotic element into my issue brief when opening it.


The audience that I will target for my issue brief is nationwide school institutions and boards. Obviously all K-12 schools need to be implementing metal detectors at entrances and exits, however if this issue was addressed at a state level its more than possible that no progress would be seen in the country as a whole. Additionally this would need to be done via government because of the divide of different schools in the US (boarding, public, private, charter, etc.) These targeted audiences would thus include the US Secretary for Education, Incumbent Miguel Cardona, and the US Department of Education. 

Current Corsets

Movies and film manipulate the way people and society think and function all the time without us even knowing it. Most times it’s simply just because it’s an inspiration, or a muse if you will. It could be a new slang term, a traveling location, basically anything in the industry that is seen as desirable to viewers can be copied into real life. But above all things taken from the screen, trends of fashion trump them all. 


2021 Netflix series, Bridgerton, took the world by storm with its dreamy, dramatic fictional story of the dating season in Regency Era England. The show accurately showed the fashion and clothing articles worn at the time such as corsets, and gowns with layers upon layers of shiny fabrics and silk. Obviously, everyone was immediately obsessed with the patterns and colors of past fashion being showcased so why not bring it to life in modern times?



Today materials like those seen on the gowns would cost hundreds upon thousands of dollars, so that obviously would be hard to copy… but what about the corsets worn under the gowns? This is exactly where the trend came about. Although corsets were originally used as undergarments to suck in women’s waists, now they are being manipulated to mimic a cute, trendy top. My favorite part about the trend is that women are wearing these corsets with casual pants like jeans which are such a simple, basic clothing article worn today. 


There are many variations of these new corset tops. Although some still incorporate the laced up back that slims the waist, others are now elastic or clip in the back. Some have straps or sleeves, and others are strapless. They may all have different aspects and details, but one thing remains of the influence of the past like in Bridgerton, the patterns and colors. By combining the colors and patterns of these extravagant gowns with the plain corsets worn underneath, there is this perfect mesh of old and new. Many popular ones come in a satin color but my personal favorites have flowers and shiny details of leaves or vines. 





These corsets do look expensive (and some are), but there are also reasonable options at a much lower price. Pretty Little Thing, one of my favorite online fashion brands, has a strapless white lace corset on sale for only $30. On the other end, from a high fashion brand such as Intermix, their floral corset top is priced at $395. Either way I think that these tops are a great way to honor fashion of the past while also modernizing it for life and fashion as we know it today.



Image Sources:




3/15 Issue Brief Topic

The issue that I am going to address is increased security in K-12 schools in America. Since Sandy Hook, school shootings have increased and up until the Covid-19 pandemic, were at an all time high during the 2019 school year. Although many districts have implemented new measures like SRO’s (Security Resource Officers), schools would further benefit from new security implementations such as metal detectors. It’s proven that schools with metal detectors have decreased crime within and around the school so if this policy were to be enforced at all schools around the US, we could see a decrease and maybe even the disappearance of school shootings.


The “cause” of the issue I am addressing is inadvertent when looking at the four causes. This is because the problem was brought about by the US educational system’s lack of caution since the problem first came about decades ago. If right after Sandy Hook schools immediately started putting in metal detectors around the entrances and exits, Parkland, STEM, etc. could all have been avoided. Obviously there are other issues within this subject such as mental health, but by implementing metal detectors now, schools are preventing firearms and other weapons from being brought into the classroom by not only students, but also outside threats. 


The policy instrument named in the “Making Policy” entry that would best fit the crafting of this policy for my issue brief would be system changes. To successfully keep school shootings down and keep kids safe in their learning environments, you would have to alter how the US educational institution provides security. Although this policy instrument can be seen as the most dramatic of the four, this is exactly what needs to be done to prevent any more innocent people from losing their lives to something that could have been avoided. 


Civic Issue Blog Post 2/24

Last week my civic issue post related to how people receive their political news from biased sources and how we can better differentiate fake news on social media platforms. This week however, I want to look at the impact politicians make on politics based on their personal involvement on social media. Social media today is used for many reasons. From creating platforms for fame and fortune, to sharing niches and tips or tricks, and of course, sharing news, social media is equivalent to what live television was 20 or so years ago.


In the past, politicians used to stray from social media and would instead provide information to the masses through national news sources to maintain reliability. Now however, social media has become the newest and easiest way to receive news as quickly as possible. Although this can definitely have it’s advantages, it also leaves quite a bit of room for personal bias. Politicians primarily use Twitter and Instagram to share any news or anything of political significance. Yes, a lot of these accounts are controlled by a team and not the politician themselves, but the information itself is coming from the direct source. 


One of the most involved politicians on social media is/was Donald Trump, the most recent US president before Joe Biden who is currently in office. Because Donald Trump was a celebrity before he was elected as president, his Twitter account already had quite the following and he was rather comfortable with sharing his personal ideas and opinions on his account as he had done in the past. The question is to what point should politicians be able to share biased opinions to the public? Although there were times where he tweeted about political, international, and national news, many of his daily dozen tweets were him complaining and criticizing someone for arguing against his personal views. 


The consequences of Trump sharing his personal ideals took place on January 17th 2021, when Twitter made the decision to ban his account indefinitely after a tweet of his encouraged a violent riot/protest at the United States capitol. Earlier that day, Trump supporters had decided to swarm the capitol in protest of the appointment of president elect Joe Biden. This was in efforts to prevent Biden’s inauguration into office because the president attempted to convince his supporters that the election was “fraudulent” and that the votes were counted incorrectly. Instead of diffusing the situation, he encouraged it. In an article by CNBC on the situation, reporter Lauren Feiner writes,  “As the riot unfolded, Trump tweeted messages encouraging nonviolence, though he later released a video message that also reiterated his unsubstantiated claim that the election was stolen from him and told rioters, ‘We love you.’” To prevent further encouragement from the president to the public, Twitter made the decision to permanently ban Donald Trump’s account. 


On the other spectrum of things, the instagram account of Michelle Obama, the 44th first lady of the United States, is used as a platform of hope and uniformity. Although she still posts things that are rather personal such as photos of her husband or kids, she still uses her platform in a respectful manner…and with over 45.4 million followers, people are in fact listening to what she has to say. Michelle is an excellent demonstration of what social media can do to influence the current political world for the good. At the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement, she posted on Instagram a portrait of George Floyd with her caption writing, “…Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can’t just be on people of color to deal with it. It’s up to all of us—Black, white, everyone—…” Unlike the Twitter posts that were published daily by Donald Trump that spoke to only one portion of the political audience, Michelle Obama’s Instagram speaks to everyone as a whole to hold our country accountable and thus move forward from the past to the future. In a CNN article by Leah Asmelash on both of Obama’s efforts to reach out to the public via social media she writes on the previously mentioned post, “Both statements come against the backdrop of sometimes violent protests across the nation, as people mourn and show their anger over the death of Floyd.” 


Personal social media pages are just one of the newest ways that modern technology is being used to share the ideas of all different platforms of people, companies, and so forth. Although it can have negative impacts due to to the lack of a “filter”, it’s also good because now news outlets and second sources are less likely to sugar coat, or beat around the bush of an idea or issue that a politician is trying to quickly and easily get across to the public.





Trendy Trousers

The trend I’m analyzing this week is very up and coming. I’ve only seen it on models in high end magazines and once or twice when I was in the city at home. The sexuality of clothing is a barrier that fashion icons have been trying to break down for centuries. Whether it was Freddy Mercury, Elton John, and now Harry Styles, men have been proving that any clothing articles can be appropriate for both sexes. Women too have now adapted this ideal and I believe that this trend will be much more popular in the upcoming spring/summer of this year. This trend is trousers. Obviously I am aware of how odd it sounds that women would wear trousers but these ones in particular are fashion forward, high end, statement trousers. 


Trousers have always been appropriate work wear for men. Most times if you walked into an office building most men would be wearing this article of clothing accompanied by a collared shirt, tie, etc. Now however, various companies (mostly avant garde, designer ones) have modeled these pants to fit women in a way that looks both fashionable and powerful. Women’s work wear has always consisted of pencil skirts and slacks. The main difference between slacks and trousers is that slacks fit tightly throughout (but aren’t skin tight like skinny jeans or leggings) whereas trousers fit at the top of the hip to secure their placement and then are loose all the way down past the ankle. These trousers were similar to the ones often paired with pants suits that were quite popular in the 80s but I think that the new and rising popularity of these pants in modern time will be a turning point for women’s fashion. My favorite pair that I’ve seen was in the newest issue of vogue and was designed by Vince and are being sold by Nordstrom. They are currently priced at $325 and come in two colors, oatmeal (a light beige color) and black.




These are more of the basic model for trousers which are easy to pair with more eccentric colored tops but I also love the new statement trousers that are being shown during New York Fashion Week which just happens to be taking place today. I obviously could never afford anything showcased this week but I found a very similar pair of statement trousers at one of my favorite online clothing sites “Nasty Gal”. “Nasty Gal” was the star of my blog posts last semester so obviously I had to bring it into this post. The company was created by a girl in her 20s who wanted to take vintage clothing, repair/make it her own, and then resell it. Now the brand still has vintage clothing (for a bit of a high price tag) but also sells reasonable, fashionable clothes for younger women. If you want to learn more I suggest watching “Girl Boss” on Netflix, it’s a show about the loose storytelling of how the CEO created her brand. Any who, the pair that I found were priced at a reasonable $98 and are hot pink and velvet. Basically I am obsessed with them but sadly they don’t fit into the fashion culture of state college… but if you are looking to strut down the streets of a city or look insanely cool in an office meeting, these are definitely the pants for you. 



Sources for pictures:



Civic Issues 2/10

In the past, reliable news networks, newspapers, and live airings of the politicians themselves were how the public received news and updates about politics. Today however the term “fake news” has risen from unworthy new platforms who act more as a tabloid than they do a news source. From there, people retweet, repost, and fabricate these sources on their own social media page to further spread the word of whatever information is being given out. On the other hand, social media is also able to spread reliable news sources faster and more efficiently to those who no longer read the paper or physically watch the news anchors every morning. Whether it be false or correct political news, is social media doing more harm than good for the modern political world?


There are several generations currently active on today’s social media platforms. The eldest of the standing generations is the Baby Boomers, born from 1946-1964, whom if they use social media primarily use Facebook. Gen X, those born between 1965-1976, also use Facebook but are often on Instagram and Twitter as well. Millennials, born between 1977 – 1995, and Gen Z, born 1996 to today, reside on the same platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. All four of the above mentioned apps are completely different but are used to quickly spread information from one source, to another person and from that person can be spread to any of their friends or followers. 


The two main political party affiliations, democrat and republican, have been divided recently of which news source they trust and prefer to receive political information from. Democrats prefer news sources such as CNN whereas republicans prefer to receive news from Fox News. The main difference is that each one is biased towards their political party, candidates, elects, and so forth. In an NPR article about the negative effects of social media on the political world, Pinar Yildirim, a marketing professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania who specializes in social media trends, speaks on the subject. He states, “One way that increased usage may be felt in the 2020 election isn’t in just the amount of false information being seen and shared”- “but in how polarized the American public is during the campaign cycle.” The polarization of America is becoming more evident more than ever and social media is making it much worse. 


Former journalist Steven Brill says in the previously mentioned NPR article that, “The great thing about the Internet is everyone can be a publisher. The really bad thing about the Internet is everyone can be a publisher.” Individuals can take what they heard or read from their preferred news source and shape it into what is merely an opinion but then is taken by their followers as facts and legitimate information. The current pandemic has led people to create their own theories on if the coronavirus is a hoax, if/how it can be contracted, if masks are necessary, and so forth. Instead of listening to the scientists who are speaking on the democratic news platforms like CNN, they are hearing from false sources and then spreading that information to everyone else. 


Yes, social media can be used to distribute false or negative political news, but on the other hand, social media has also been a way to give political information to people who usually aren’t interested in politics. More youth voted in the 2020 election than ever before and this could be thanks to social media. Additionally, unlike older social media users, younger users are more adapted to discovering false information from the truth because of their increased knowledge on sources, plagiarism, bias, and so forth that is taught in the modern educational system. “How Important Is Social Media In Reaching Young Voters?” is a recent article in Forbes written by Peter Suciu who writes, Even as this is the first opportunity for many of generation Z to vote, they see how it was manipulated in past elections and how it is used to sow distrust and spread disinformation.” This acknowledgment of the youth is how social media could possibly be seen as being beneficial when it comes to politics.


So how do we discredit false sources and users posting false information without vanishing the good social media has done for the distribution of political news? A newly encouraged idea comes from a previous and continuous used social media that is somewhat of a “trigger warning”. Instagram stories are where the user can post something or repost another user’s post for 24 hours for all of their followers to see (or if they’re public, for everyone to see”). On there, if the post shows something disturbing whether it be emotional, gory, etc. it first is covered by a gray screen that warns the user of the post before they can click again agreeing to see it. If this could be used to be put over unauthentic news sources or opinionated posts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. stating that it could be showcasing false information, then the user knows truthfully what they are reading or watching. This upcoming policy could be what saves American polarization between parties and further benefit generations to come. 







Care to Flare?

After being home for the last 3 months, I’ve definitely had time to reunite with my hometown friends. All of them are very into fashion like myself and are always on top of the newest trends so I trust them in giving me advice on what to wear. On New Years Eve we all went to a nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants (which was open to 50% capacity because cases in Colorado are very low). There I saw a common theme among the outfits of both my friends, and the young people seated around us… all were wearing flared pants. 


Flared pants (also often known as boot cut jeans) are a pair of jeans or pants that are tight from your waist down to your knees and then flare out so that they are loose by your calves and feet. These were very popular in the 60s and of course like every other current fashion trend, are making a comeback. These pants come in several different materials such as corduroy, polyester, velvet, and of course the most popular being denim. However, even the denim pairs look different then they did in the past. Some are dyed black, others are in animal print, some are distressed with holes or around the ankles, and so forth. 



Since noticing how popular these pants have become, I decided to go buy a pair. At first I was skeptical so I bought a simple pair that was navy blue denim with distress around the bottom from Nordstrom. No joke, I think this is where my new addiction began. They’re one of the most comfortable jeans I own and feel a lot less restrictive than a normal pair of skinny jeans. Since then I have bought two other pairs. One is a bit different from Nasty Gal, a company started from up-cycling vintage clothes, that is black and also has slits on the outside of each leg. My other pair is from Altar’d State and is white with a navy blue and yellow scarf belt.


It’s safe to say that I one hundred percent am on board with this new trend but I do have one criticism since I myself have started to wear these pants. Shoes. With skinny jeans and other skin tight pants, almost every type of shoe looks cute and pairs well with the pants. But when it comes to flare pants, options are definitely limited. It’s hard to wear any shoes that go up above the ankle because then it’s on your skin which can cause friction and blistering unless you’re wearing tall socks (I learned this one very quickly). And chunky shoes/sneakers look like there’s just a lot going on because of the statement that the flare is already making. So my recommendation of the happy medium would have to be booties, preferably ones that are one color and pointed at the toe. They look super cute and make the outfit a lot more fashionable. In all, I think this trend is definitely one to stay for the next couple of years and I can’t wait to see what other brands catch onto this renewed fashion piece.


Photo Links:



This I Believe Script Draft

I am a very factual person. I believe in science, I believe in research, I believe in factual evidence. But when it comes time for me to scan my boarding ticket and walk through the little walkway to the aircraft, there’s one thing that I must do that I believe will prevent me from falling from the sky. Poking the outside of the plane with my index finger.

My family has always held traveling as one of the most important and valuable things in life. Before the age of one I had already been to Europe twice and today I’ve been out of the country close to 30 times. So of course, I’ve always loved planes. The excitement of getting to sit in one place with complete strangers all with only a destination in common was so fascinating to me. I loved when the plane sped up turning the trees to a green mush as they slowly vanished below while the rumbling of the wheels on the ground ceased as the plane took off into the air. 

This feeling for my dad is not mutual… He loves traveling just as much as the rest of my family, but the initial take off always leaves him clutching my moms hand as if the plane could combust any second. A superstition that he adopted to help him ease this worry was touching the outside of the plane before boarding. None of us, not even him, know where this came from. But for as long as I can remember he would touch the outside of the plane before placing a foot inside. Little me at 5 or 6 loved copying his every move and so I too would poke the shiny metal before continuing into the aircraft. 13 or so years later and just two days ago when boarding a plane back to my hometown, I placed the tip of my finger to connect with the edge of the doorway outside the plane.

I love planes, and I love traveling but because I have been continuing this superstition for the majority of my life, I’m fearful that the one day I stop, the plane will take off, reach a high enough altitude, and then plummet to the ground below. Yes, I know that there is a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than getting in a plane crash, or even just walking back to my dorm or driving my car down the interstate. I know that death is inevitable but I also know that fear is inevitable. Fear is what makes a human, human and it’s what makes me, me. I believe that touching the outside of the plane with one of my fingers is what keeps me protected because that I can control. I believe in facts and I believe in science but I also believe in (i dont know how to rap this up yet). So, I will continue to drive my car and I will continue to walk to my dorm but I will also continue to poke the outside of planes with my index finger.

RCL 1/19

“This I Believe” Ideas:

After looking over and listening to some of the previous broadcasts on “This I Believe” I have several ideas for my “This I Believe” podcast. My first idea would be to cover my personal stance on heaven vs. hell. Although I have a very agnostic view when it comes to religion, I would love to share my theory on where it is we go after death.

My second idea would be that people and citizens of greater age should begin to listen to those of younger generations and vice versa. It often feels like there is this great divide between generations and almost a “competition” of sorts as to who is making the greatest impact. One of the greatest gifts in life is not only knowledge, but simply listening and I think this could change our world for the better. 

Passion Blog Ideas:

Last semester each week I wrote my passion blog on different fashion trends. I covered pants, jackets, shoes, and even masks over the weeks and I truly enjoyed giving my own perspective on what I had observed in the world around me. 

I think that I am going to keep with this topic but I’m also playing around with changing it this semester to critiquing films. With the Oscars coming up this semester I think it could be fun to watch movies and films that are likely to be nominated and then critique them as to if they could or could not win in a given category. 

Civic Issues Blog:

My first idea when I heard we would be writing on current civic issues would simply be the effect of social media in current nation/worldwide problems and politics. Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Snap chat, the sharing of ideas is often a huge factor in many factors whether they are true or false.

My second idea would be on the educational system of America vs. other more successful countries. Many are unaware of the many problems with the American Educational system and I think it would be really interesting to look more into what can be changed to better it in the future.

Chic and Edgy Prints

In the past few weeks, I’ve been analyzing specific trends and types of clothing within the fashion industry. But this week I am going to be writing about a specific pattern that is repeating itself into 2020 as it has also done so in past years. And this is animal print. Yes, I know that animal print can look a bit tacky as it has in the past. But 2020 has brought a new twist to this old trend…It now looks edgy and chic.


Animal print can take a variety of shapes, patterns, and colors but the thing that the fashion industry loves most about animal print is how versatile it can be. It can be any material: denim, leather, polyester, cotton, and so forth thus making the options for clothing articles infinite. The animal print that has become popular in 2020 is predominantly on pants and jackets.


I was first introduced to this upcoming trend by my hometown friend who goes to the University of Washington in Seattle. She is quite fashionable and has great taste so I always try to trust her with her new wardrobe changes. She sent me a picture before she was going out for my fashion approval. The outfit she had on was a skin-tight black bodysuit, a black leather jacket, black leather boots, and a pair of zebra print pants. At first glance I thought the pants were a lot but honestly this new print has now grown on me. They are from “Motel Rocks”, an online retailer very similar to the sites I mentioned last week, “Nasty Gal” and “Princess Polly”. 


The new animal print when paired with the right color and accessories, can look quite edgy and expensive and more mature than the older trends of animal print. I personally will definitely be buying a similar if not the same pair as my friend. I think that animal print is exactly what 2020 needs because it just looks so much more fun and fresh than some of these other trends. Even if the idea of wearing a full on zebra print pant scares you, there are so many fun new purses, earrings, shoes, and so forth that also can compliment this new trend. The modernization of animal print is really just evidence that the fashion world is evolving more than ever this year and I could not be more excited to see where it will continue to lead us.


Zoven Trouser in 90's Zebra Black and White