personalLogo Concept

The artwork itself is annotated with my thoughts as I was working on it but I’ll comment on a few additional things here.

First up, my initial design doc:

concept 1My initial plan was structured. I had artistic principles and motifs I wanted to try and incorporate, but I also had the idea of simplicity in my head. As such, I iterated into a 2nd document.

concept 1 v2I wasn’t entirely happy with how things were turning out and I was getting kinda burnt out after a couple hours of working and thinking about this. So I moved onto the requisite 2nd and 3rd concepts.

Personal logos Concept 2+3Right off the bat you can see how I felt about these. With a days worth of sleep on these, I think ultimately these were along a better design path for a logo than my initial attempt to create something more akin to a header image or something. With that in mind:

concept 1 v3I ended up thinking I’m gonna go with a design I originally had no intent of using since in the medium it’s gonna be presented in, it will serve much better to have the line art simplified down to its bare essentials.

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